
乳脂肪球膜(MFGM)的研究进展及其在婴幼儿配方奶粉中应用 被引量:4

Research Progress of Milk Fat Globule Membrane and Its Application in Infant Formula
摘要 母乳是婴儿最理想的食物。乳脂肪球膜(Milk Fat Globule Membrane,MFGM)作为母乳中最重要的成分之一,逐渐得到重视并开始在婴幼儿配方奶粉中得到应用。但是,受母乳乳脂肪球膜研究样本量的限制,目前乳脂肪球膜(MFGM)在婴幼儿配方乳粉中使用量仍存在不确定性。随着乳脂肪球膜(MFGM)应用的普及,检测方法也需进一步规范标准化。本文综述了乳脂肪球膜(MFGM)的结构与成分及乳脂肪球膜(MFGM)的检测方法,以及近年来在婴幼儿配方乳粉的应用情况,为相关研究提供参考。 Human milk is the best food for babies.Milk fat globule membrane is one of the most important components in human milk,its has been gradually paid attention to and applied in infant formula.However,due to the limited sample size of human milk fat globule membrane research,the amount of milk fat globule membrane used in infant formula milk powder is still uncertain.With the popularization of the application of milk fat globule membrane,the detection method also needs to be further standardized.This article reviews the structure and composition of milk fat globule membrane,milk fat globule membrane detection method and their application in infant formula milk powder in recent years.
作者 康巧娟 华家才 李琳瑶 赵文星 熊丽娜 孔迎 储小军 KANG Qiaojuan;HUA Jiacai;LI Linyao;ZHAO Wenxing;XIONG Lina;KONG Ying;CHU Xiaojun(Beingmate(Hangzhou)Food Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Hangzhou 311106,China)
出处 《现代食品》 2021年第18期31-37,共7页 Modern Food
基金 国家重点研发计划项目“食品生产经营质量安全智能化应用技术研究”(2017YFC1601000)。
关键词 乳脂肪球膜蛋白 乳脂肪球膜磷脂 检测方法 婴幼儿配方乳粉 protein of milk fat globule membrane phospholipids of milk fat globule membrane detection method infant formula
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