

Preparation of sensitive and wearable biochar-based flexible pressure-sensing materials and study on their performance
摘要 杜仲残渣(EUR)是杜仲胶提取过程剩余的废弃物,是一种廉价、可再生、环境友好的资源,以其炭化物为导电材料、聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)为柔性基质,制备了廉价、对人体友好的复合柔性压阻式传感材料,并对材料结构以及压敏性进行了表征,测试了该压力传感材料从0到14 k Pa的响应特性。结果表明,在0.3 k Pa应力下具有高的灵敏度(142.1 kPa^(-1)),所制备的CEUR/PDMS材料对应力变化响应稳定并具有良好的耐久性;该复合传感材料对手持不同质量烧杯、手机振动以及书写信号具有良好的响应。该复合材料制备工艺简单、成本低、响应性能优异且对人体无害,在可穿戴和监测人体活动等领域具有广泛的应用前景。 With the development of flexible pressure sensors in the field of wearable and human-computer interaction,the requirements for flexible pressure sensors are getting higher and higher. While ensuring high sensitivity characteristics,they also need to be bio-friendly and low-cost. The preparation methods of sensing materials based on biomass waste and high-elasticity polydimethylsiloxane( PDMS) materials are discussed,and their sensing properties are studied.Eucommia ulmoides residue( EUR) is a kind of waste from the extraction process of eucommia ulmoides gum.It is a cheap,renewable,and environmentally friendly resource. By using carbonized EUR as a conductive material and PDMS as a flexible substrate,a cheap and human-friendly composite flexible piezoresistive sensing material is prepared via a simple method,and its structure and pressure sensitivity are characterized by electrochemical workstation and other instruments.Results show that this pressure sensing material( CEUR/PDMS) has a working range of 0 to 14 k Pa and has a high sensitivity of 142. 1 k Pa-1 under 0. 3 k Pa stress. The prepared CEUR/PDMS material has a stable response to stress changes and has a good durability. Application tests show that it has a good response to holding water cups of different weights,phone vibration and writing signals.CEUR/PDMS material can be prepared by a simple process,has a low cost and excellent response performance and is harmless to human body,which is expected to have good application prospects in the fields of wearable and monitoring human activities.
作者 秦磊 任汝全 钟演 樊永明 QIN Lei;REN Ru-quan;ZHONG Yan;FAN Yong-ming(College of Materials Science and Technology,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 100083,China)
出处 《现代化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第9期75-80,共6页 Modern Chemical Industry
基金 基于生物质材料的柔性传感器制备(2017BLRD03) 国家自然科学基金项目(61874111) 山东省重大科技创新工程项目(2019JZZY020223)。
关键词 杜仲残渣 聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS) 柔性压阻式传感器 环境友好 eucommia ulmoides residue polydimethylsiloxane(PDMS) flexible piezoresistive sensor environmentally friendly
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