
飞机复杂系统总装集成设计初步研究 被引量:2

Preliminary Research on Aircraft Complex Systems Integration at Final Assembly Stage
摘要 现代大型飞机为完成复杂的飞行任务、适应多种工况环境,设计配备了多种先进的系统功能,这不仅使飞机机载系统整体架构、控制交联、信息交互的复杂程度空前提升,更带来了系统研制过程、制造集成过程的困难。飞机总装过程本质上是飞机复杂系统功能在生产制造过程的最终集成过程,包括安装与试验,即物理性集成和功能性集成两大互为支撑的总装生产活动。飞机总装集成设计的核心任务是基于总体工艺流程,设计完成从部件、子系统、系统到飞机整机的安装与试验任务,通过适当的集成顺序来满足飞机功能验证的完整性并防范集成过程中的技术与质量风险。从系统工程的思维出发,在分析了产品功能实现与生产运营需求关系的基础上,面向产品设计与工艺设计协同模式,从正向工艺设计角度提出了基于模型的飞机总装复杂系统集成的方法框架、技术路径,并进行了初始案例研究,分析了系统技术依赖关系、各交联维度、要素对工艺集成设计的影响。 A modern aircraft is equipped with a large number of advanced systems today to meet the mission requirements when operating in complicated working conditions.This leads to the ever-increasing complexities in aircraft system architecture,control interactions,information exchange.Difficulties are also found both in development and integration in manufacturing stage.The nature of aircraft final assembly process is the final integration of complex systems at manufacturing stage.Installations and tests,or physical and functional integration are two main final assembly activities that support each other.The integration design of aircraft final assembly aims firstly to plan the overall process with installation and test tasks towards the aircraft architecture from components,sub-systems,systems and aircraft.A proper integration sequence allows satisfying the comprehensive aircraft function verification that prevents technology and quality hazards in the integration processes.From the systems engineering thinking,this research analyses the relationship between introduction of product functionality and requirements of production operations.Based on that,a methodology of modelbased final assembly integration framework is proposed with general engineering path towards axiomatic process design and collaboration of product design and process planning.An initial case study is also used to have a preliminary analysis of different system dependency aspects influence on integration process planning.
作者 李涛 蒋敏 叶波 LI Tao;JIANG Min;YE Bo(AVIC Chengdu Aircraft Industrial(Group)Co.,Ltd.,Chengdu 610092,China)
出处 《航空制造技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第16期28-37,共10页 Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology
基金 国防科研课题研究项目(JCKY2019205A004)。
关键词 复杂系统 飞机总装 总装集成 系统工程 模型框架 Complex systems Aircraft final assembly Assembly integration Systems engineering Modelling framework
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