

On the Influence of Geological Structure on Thermophysical Parameters of Carbonate Rock
摘要 本次试验以贵州省六盘水市六枝特区城区为研究区,通过对同一断层构造上下两盘水文地质条件相似、地层岩性相同的碳酸盐岩,采用相同施工工艺、相同测试环境、相同测试方法进行热响应测试。试验结果得出,同一碳酸盐岩地层在不同地质构造下热物性参数不同,断层上盘地层岩体初始温度高于下盘,综合导热系数、容积比热容、热扩散率、相同工况条件下的延米换热量低于下盘。岩体热物性参数的获取,为区内浅层地热能资源开发利用项目建设提供设计依据,但未考虑地下水渗流场影响,且样本数量少,其成果供同仁参考。 Thermophysical parameters of carbonate rock samples of the same lithology,lying in similar hydrogeological condition and occurring in hanging wall and footwall of the same fault,respectively are tested by means of the same test method under the same test conditions.The results indicate that thermophysical parameters of the same carbonate rock are different under the condition of different geological structure.The obtained thermophysical parameters of carbonate rock samples provide the design basis for the development and utilization of shallow geothermal energy resources in the area.
作者 穆照猛 尹陈 吴岚 MU Zhao-meng;YIN Chen;WU Lan(The 114th Geological Team,Guizhou Bureau of Geology and Exploration and Exploitation of Mineral Resources,Zunyi,Guizhou 563000;Guizhou Shallow Geothermal Energy Development Co.,Ltd.,Guiyang 550000)
出处 《四川地质学报》 2021年第3期467-470,共4页 Acta Geologica Sichuan
基金 贵州省地矿局地质科研资金资助项目“黔北地区不同水文地质条件下碳酸盐岩热物性特征研究”黔地矿科合(2019)18号。
关键词 地质构造 碳酸盐岩 热物性参数 贵州六盘水 geological structure carbonate rock thermophysical parameter Liupanshui,Guizhou
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