
中国特色现代学徒制构建:课程的视角 被引量:7

The Construction of Modern Apprenticeship with Chinese Characteristics:From the Perspective of Curriculum
摘要 中国特色现代学徒制的构建是我国职业教育改革的重要课题。从课程的视角来看,中国特色现代学徒制本质上是职业教育课程制度的创新,其构建离不开课程的支撑,需要以课程为抓手,统合多方面因素,形成一套有助于技术技能型人才成长的校企一体化课程体系。支撑中国特色现代学徒制构建的课程结构形态经历了企业课程的出场,到学校课程与企业课程的并存,再到学校课程与企业课程融合而成的“校企一体化课程”。基于课程的视角,中国特色现代学徒制构建的策略如下:首先,要观念引导先行,以课程的思维看待中国特色现代学徒制;其次,要发挥主体力量,使校企双主体在课程建设中的力量协同;再次,在课程结构重构上,应基于岗位工作过程的模块化课程体系建设;最后,在课程标准的提供上,要研制开发现代学徒制校企一体化课程标准。 The construction of modern apprenticeship with Chinese characteristics is an important topic in China's vocational education reform.From the perspective of curriculum,the modern apprenticeship with Chinese characteristics is essentially the innovation of vocational education curriculum system.Its construction is inseparable from the support of curriculum.It needs to take curriculum as the starting point and integrate various factors to form a school-enterprise integrated curriculum system conducive to the growth of technical and skilled talents.The curriculum structure supporting the construction of modern apprenticeship with Chinese characteristics has experienced the appearance of enterprise curriculum,the coexistence of school curriculum and enterprise curriculum,and then the school-enterprise integration curriculum formed by the integration of school curriculum and enterprise curriculum.Based on the perspective of curriculum,the strategies for the construction of modern apprenticeship with Chinese characteristics are as follows:first,we should guide the concept first and treat the modern apprenticeship with Chinese characteristics with curriculum thinking;secondly,we should give full play to the power of the main body and make the power of the double main bodies of schools and enterprises cooperate in the curriculum construction;thirdly,in the reconstruction of curriculum structure,we should build a modular curriculum system based on work process;finally,in the provision of curriculum standards,we should develop modern apprenticeship school enterprise integration curriculum standards.
作者 赵文平 ZHAO Wenping
出处 《职教通讯》 2021年第9期8-14,共7页 Communication of Vocational Education
基金 天津市哲学社会科学规划2019年项目“现代学徒制中的企业课程标准研究”(项目编号:TJJX19-011)。
关键词 中国特色现代学徒制 课程 企业课程 校企一体化课程 modern apprenticeship with Chinese characteristics curriculum enterprise courses schoolenterprise integration course
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