
适当晚播结合增加播量对小麦产量和抗倒性的影响 被引量:7

Effects of Suitable Late Sowing Combined with Increasing Sowing Rate on Yield and Lodging Resistance of Wheat
摘要 为探索小麦-玉米集约化、全程机械化生产中小麦的适宜播期和播量,选择大面积种植的济麦22(J)和藁优5766(G)为材料,以当地传统播期和播量为对照,设置晚播10天、15天和20天共4个播期处理,并在前人研究基础上匹配各播期处理的适宜播量,研究其对小麦群体性状、产量和抗倒伏性的影响。结果表明,与对照相比,晚播降低两个品种小麦的出苗率、单株分蘖数和次生根数;晚播并合理增加播量能够不显著影响有效穗数,两品种与对照比其波动幅度分别在-4.63%~10.49%和-4.71%~4.51%之间。两品种晚播处理千粒重表现不同,3个晚播处理济麦22的千粒重均显著高于对照,而藁优5766晚播处理与对照间差异不显著;穗粒数的差异是造成产量差异的主要原因,通过匹配适宜播量可缓解晚播对有效穗数的影响,晚播15天匹配适宜的播量(济麦22和藁优5766分别为142.5、172.5 kg/hm2)能够获得显著高于其它处理的产量。晚播15天处理增加两个品种的株高和植株重心高,同时降低第二节间长,增加其厚度和干物质重,表现出高于其它处理的机械强度。综之,适宜晚播并根据品种特性匹配合理的播量能够在显著增加小麦产量的同时增强抗倒伏性,以晚播15天处理效果最佳。 In order to explore suitable sowing date and sowing rate of wheat in wheat-corn intensive and mechanized production farmland, the large-area planting varieties of Jimai 22(J) and Gaoyou 5766(G) were chosen as materials and three sowing date treatments of late sowing for 10 days, 15 days and 20 days were set with traditional sowing date and sowing amount as control. On the bases of previous researches, we matched the appropriate sowing amount to different sowing dates in order to study its influences on population characters, yield and lodging resistance of wheat. The results showed that late sowing reduced the emergence rate, tillers per plant and secondary roots of the two wheat varieties compared with control;late sowing and reasonable increase of sowing rate could not significantly affect the number of effective ears, and the fluctuation ranges of the two varieties compared with the control were-4.63%~10.49% and-4.71%~4.51%. The thousand grain weight of Jimai 22 under late sowing treatments were significantly higher than that of the control, but there was no significant difference between Gaoyou 5766 and the control. The difference of grain number per spike was the main reason for the yield difference. The effect of late sowing on effective panicle number could be alleviated by matching appropriate sowing rate. The yield of late sowing for 15 days with appropiate sowing rate(142.5 kg/hm2 for Jimai 22 and 172.5 kg/hm2 for Gaoyou 5766) were significantly higher than that of other treatments. The treatment of late sowing for 15 days increased the plant height and the height of gravity center of the two varieties, decreased the second internode length, increased its thickness and dry matter weight, and showed higher mechanical strength compared with the other treatments. In conclusion, suitable late sowing and matching reasonable sowing rate according to variety characteristics could significantly increase wheat yield and enhance lodging resistance, and the effect of late sowing for 15 days was the best.
作者 牛海燕 刘元元 孔令强 吕鹏 刘树震 冯波 Niu Haiyan;Liu Yuanyuan;Kong Lingqiang;Lü Peng;Liu Shuzhen;Feng Bo(Tengzhou Agricultural Technology Extension Center,Tengzhou 277500,China;Qingdao Agricultural University,Qingdao 266109,China;Shandong Agricultural Technology Extending Station,Jinan 250100,China;Jinan Agricultural Comprehensive Adminitrative Law Enforcement Detachment,Jinan 250021,China;Crop Research Institute,Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Jinan 250100,China)
出处 《山东农业科学》 北大核心 2021年第9期19-26,共8页 Shandong Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家重点研发计划项目“山东旱作灌溉区小麦-玉米两熟全程机械化丰产增效技术集成与示范(2018YFD0300600) 黄淮海东部小麦-玉米周年光温水肥资源优化配置均衡丰产增效关键技术研究与模式构建”(2017YFD0301000)。
关键词 小麦 播期 播量 产量 抗倒性 Wheat Sowing date Sowing rate Yield Lodging resistance
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