目的以"全健康"概念为指导理念,对比和探讨国内外人兽共患病的防控研究现状和热点,为我国人兽共患病的防控提出建议。方法选取CNKI和WoS2001年-2020年的人兽共患病防控相关研究文献,通过CiteSpace5.7.R3软件对文献的作者、发文机构、关键词等进行可视化聚类分析,并绘制相关图谱。结果经过去除无作者文献、会议、访谈等无效文献,共获得中文文献10 363篇,英文文献38 419篇,时间跨度为2001年1月1日-2020年12月31日。中英文文献数量均呈增长之势,但英文文献增长幅度更大。分析显示,在人兽共患病的防控方面,国家合作关系较为良好,中国同其他国家存在密切合作关系,中英文文献作者及发文机构之间均未能形成良好的合作关系,仅有少量稳定的合作团体。此外,中英文文献热点关键词存在差异,两者关注侧重点不同。结论目前,人兽共患病防治形势严峻,应当以"全健康"理念为指导,加强跨学科、跨部门等之间的合作,打造"全健康"体系,致力于人兽共患病的防控。
Objective Guided by the concept of “One Health, ” the aims of this review were to compare and discuss the status of and areas of interest in research on the prevention and control of zoonoses in China and abroad and to offer comments and suggestions for the prevention and control of zoonoses in China. Methods CNKI and WoS were searched for articles regarding the prevention and control of zoonoses published from 2001 to 2020. Results including authors, key words, and publishers were analyzed using the software CiteSpace 5.7.R3. In addition, relevant visualization maps were drawn. Results After invalid articles such as those without authors, conferences, and interviews were removed, a total of 10,363 Chinese articles and 38,419 English articles were obtained. Results revealed that the number of articles in both Chinese and English was increasing, with articles in English increasing more rapidly. International cooperation was also noted. Moreover, China is closely cooperating with other countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom. However, there is little cooperation among authors and publishers of articles in Chinese and English, though a few groups have consistently cooperated(e.g. cooperation between the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute). In addition, there were differences in leading words found in articles in Chinese and English, suggesting that different countries focused on different aspects of zoonoses. Burst detection in CiteSpace revealed that “One Health”, a new key word with a score of 38.48, still has a high burst strength. Conclusion Given the threat of the transmission of zoonoses between animals and humans, like the COVID-19 pandemic, a “One Health” approach is required for successful control and elimination of zoonoses. The concept of “One Health” could provide a framework with which to address gaps in multisectoral communication, coordination, and collaboration, and it might become a highly practical tool in the future. A worldwide “one health” system is urgently warranted in order to prevent and control zoonoses.
GUO Chao-yi;XU Jing-shan;ZHU Yong-zhangu;GUO Xiao-kui;ZHOU Xiao-nong;AI Lin(School of Global Health,Chinese Centre for Tropical Diseases Research,Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine,Shanghai 200025,China;One Health Center,Shanghai Jiaotong University-The University of Edinburgh;National Institute of Parasitic Diseases,Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Chinese Center for Tropical Diseases Research,National Center for International Research on Tropical Disease;NHC Key Laboratory of Parasite and Vector Biology,National Institute of Parasitic Diseases,Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
Journal of Pathogen Biology