Let R be a prime ring of characteristic different from 2,Q_(r) be its right MartindalequotientringandC beitsextendedcentroid,G beanonzero X-generalized skew derivation of R,and S be the set of the evaluations of a multilinear polynomial f(x_(1),...,x_(n))over C with n non-commuting variables.Let u,v∈R be such that uG(x)x+G(x)xv=0 for all x∈S.Then one of the following statements holds:(a)v∈C and there exist a,b,c∈Q_(r) such that G(x)=ax+bxc for any x∈R with(u+v)a=(u+v)b=0;(b)f(x_(1),...,x_(n))2 is central-valued on R and there exists a∈Q r such that G(x)=ax for all x∈R with ua+av=0.
The work of the second author is partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.10871023).