Letσ={σi|i∈I}be some partition of the set P of all primes and G afinite group.A set H of subgroups of G is said to be a complete Hallσ-set of G ifevery member≠1 of H is a Hallσi-subgroup of G for some i c l and H containsexactly one Hallσi-subgroup of G for every i such thatσi∩π(G)≠Ø.A subgroupA of G is said to be H-permutable if A permutes with all members of the completeHallσ-set H of G.In this paper,we study the structure of G under the assuming thatsome subgroups of G areσ-permutable.
a NNSF grant of China(Grant#11371335)
Wu Wen-TsunKey Laboratory of Mathematics of Chinese Academy of Sciences.Research of the third author is supported by Chinese Academy of Sciences Visiting Professorship for Senior International Scientists(Grant No.2010T2J12).