In this article, a partially nonlinear model with random effects is proposed and its new estimation procession is provided. In order to estimate the link function, we propose generalised leastsquare estimate and B-splines estimate methods. Further, we also use the Gauss–Newton methodto construct the estimates of unknown parameters. Finally, we also consider the estimation forthe variance components. The consistency and the asymptotic normality of the estimator will beproved. Simulated and real examples are given to illustrate our proposed methodology, whichshows that our methods give effective estimation.
This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China[grant number 11471160],[grant number 11101114],[grant number 11571112]
the National Statistical Science Research Key Program of China[grant number 2013LZ45]
the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities[grant number 30920130111015]
the Jiangsu Provincial Basic Research Program(Natural Science Foundation)[grant number BK20131345]and sponsored by Qing Lan Project.