
基于大数据分布情况的国内外较大婴儿配方乳粉中矿物质元素的含量分析 被引量:1

Analysis of Minerals Content in Older Infant Formula from Home and Abroad based on Big Date
摘要 针对较大婴儿乳粉中矿物质元素含量进行系统检测,通过抽取市售较大婴儿配方乳粉170批,对其中的12种矿物质元素进行检测并建立了数据库。检测结果表明,所有元素实际含量均满足我国食品安全国家标准《GB 10767-2010食品安全国家标准较大婴儿和幼儿配方食品》的限量要求,铜、碘、硒三种元素与Regulation(EU)2016/127规定的限量要求有较高比例的不符合。170份样品中的12种矿物质元素含量均未超过《中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量(2013版)》中的可耐受最高摄入量,但钠、镁、铁、碘、氯、硒、锰均有不同比例的样品含量未到达《中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量(2013版)》推荐摄入量的要求。研究表明,目前市售较大婴儿乳粉中可能存在矿物质营养素含量不足,影响较大婴儿生长发育。建议企业在制定乳粉配方时综合考虑,保证配方乳粉中矿物质含量满足较大婴儿生长发育需求。 Based on the limited research of mineral content of infant formula,12 kinds of mineral content from 170 batches of older infant formula were selected and determined.The results showed that all the mineral content from 170 batches of older infant formula satisfied the standard of《GB 10767-2010 National food safety standard older infant and baby formula》.However,part of copper,iodine and selenium didn’t satisfied the standard of Regulation(EU)2016/127.In the 170 batches,12 minerals content were in the tolerable upper intake level of《Reference intake of dietary nutrients for Chinese residents(2013)》,part of sodium,magnesium,iron,iodine,chlorine,selenium and manganese didn’t meet the recommended nutrient intakes.The research indicated that the insufficient of mineral content in older infant formula could affect the development of infant.It’s necessary to consider all factors in order to guide enterprises to production and meet the growth and development needs of older infant.
作者 宿宇婷 张书芬 石琳琳 邢家凓 励丹 何怡 李冬梅 柯剑君 张少华 SU Yuting;ZHANG Shufen;SHI Linlin;XING Jiali;LI Dan;HE Yi;LI Dongmei;KE Jianjun;ZHANG Shaohua(Ningbo Institute for Product and Food Control,Ningbo 315048,China)
出处 《食品工业科技》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第19期261-266,共6页 Science and Technology of Food Industry
关键词 较大婴儿配方乳粉 矿物质元素 检测分析 older infant formula minerals detection and analysis
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