

摘要 目的比较酶联免疫吸附法栓测肺爽支原体(MP)抗体IgM与实时荧光定量PCR法检测肺炎支原体核酸,探计儿童MP感染的两种不同实验室检测方法在临床诊断中的价值。方法收集同时行肺炎支原体抗体IgM及肺炎支原体核酸检测的住院患儿的临床资料,比较两种方法的差异。结果6091例患儿中,MP抗体IgM阳性或MP核酸阳性846例,阳性率13.89%;其中562例MP抗体IgM阳性,阳性率9.23%,383例MP核酸阳性,阳性率6.29%;二者比较差异有统计学意义。两种方法在不同年龄组均检出MP阳性,主要集中在1~3岁(51.42%),其次是4-6岁(22.70%),差异有统计学意义。不同季节均检出MP阳性,其中11~12月份阳性率最高。结论肺炎支原体感染最常见于1~6岁儿童,且在冬季高发;两种方法在临床诊断中相互弥补,建议同时选择两种方法以提高临床检出率。 Objective To evaluate the value of two dferent laboratory detection methods for children with mycoplasma pneumoniac(MP)infection in clinical diagnose through comparative analysis of decting MP antibody by enzyme-linked immunosorbent asay(ELISA)and derecting MP DNA by real time fuorescent quantitative polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR)。Methods A comparative amalysis was conducted by ollecting hospitalized children in our hospital who have detected MP antibody and MP DNA at the same time.Results A total of 6091 patients were ollcted,and 846 cases of them were MP positive detected by ELISA or RT-PCR(13.89%).Among them,562 cases were MP positive detected by ELISA(9.23%),and 383 cases were MP positive detected by RT-PCR(6.29%),resuls from the two methods were stitially sigmificant.MP positive have been detected in diferent age groups,and the positive resuls were mainly concentratedin 1 to 3 years old(51.42%),ollowed by 4 to 6 years old,results were staisially signifcant.MP positive have been dected in dilent scasons,the peak of positive rate was berween November and December.Conclusion Children aging I to 6 years old are more susceprible to MP in our hospial,and the highest positive rate of MP is in wintcer.The two laboratory detec tion methods make up for each other in clinical diagnose,we suggest chooing two methods at the same time to improve the clinical positive rate.
机构地区 杭州市儿童医院
出处 《浙江临床医学》 2021年第9期1343-1344,共2页 Zhejiang Clinical Medical Journal
关键词 肺炎支原体 酶联免疫吸附试验 聚合酶链反应 Mycoplama pneumonia Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assy Polymcrase chain reaction
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