

Multi-Social Network Influence Maximization Considering Random Cross Network Propagation
摘要 多社交网络中的同一实体用户可将信息从一个社交网络平台传播至另一个社交网络平台,同时还存在随机跨网络传播现象。本文针对多社交网络影响力最大化问题进行研究,提出基于随机网络传播行为的多社交网络合并算法,并在合并后的网络上求解影响力最大化问题。实验结果表明,随机跨网络行为对信息在多社交网络传播时具有促进作用。 In multiple social networks, the user can spread information from one social network platform to another. Moreover, there is a phenomenon of random cross network propagation in multiple social networks. Aiming at the problem of maximizing the influence of multiple social networks, this paper proposes a multi social network merging algorithm based on random network propagation behavior. The experimental results show that random cross network behavior can promote the dissemination of information in multiple social networks.
作者 曾燕清 ZENG Yanqing(College of Electronics and Information Science,Fujian Jiangxia University,Fuzhou,China,350108)
出处 《福建电脑》 2021年第10期27-31,共5页 Journal of Fujian Computer
关键词 多社交网络 影响力 网络传播 Multiple Social Networks Effect Network Communication
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