1See Amto(Latvia) v. Ukraine, SCC Case No. 70, 2005.
2See Rimantas daujotas, Jurisdiction Ratione Personae and Corporate, Nationality in International Investment ArbitrationLegitimate Corporate Planning or Abuse of Right? November 2011, p. 2, http://papers, ssrn. eom/sol3/papers, cfm? abstract_id= 1955110, 201206 07.
3See Panayotis M. Protopsaltis, The Challenge of the Barcelona Traction Hypothesis: Barcelona Traction Clauses and Denial of Benefits Clauses in BITs and IIAs, The Journal of World Investment - Trade, Vol. 11, No. 4, 2010.
4See Louka A. Mistelis Crina Mihaela Baltag, Denial of Benefits and Article 17 of the Energy Charter Treaty, Penn State Law Re view, Vol. 113, 2009.
5See P. B. Gann, The U.S. Bilateral Investment Treaty Program, 21 Stan. J. Int'L. Vol. 373, 1985, pp. 379380.
6See Linda A. Mabry, Multinational Corporations and U.S. Technology Policy: Rethinking the Concept of Corporate Nationali- ty, the Georgetown Law Journal, Vol. 87,1998 1999.
7See J. W. Salacuse, BIT by BIT: The Growth of Bilateral Investment Treaties and Their Impact of Foreign Investment in Developing Countries, 24 Int'L Law, 1990.
8See Bacelona Traction Light Power Company Limited (Belgium v. Spain), Judgement of 5 February 1970, ICJ Rep. ,1970.
9See Norah Gallagher, Wenhua Shan, Chinese Investment Treaties, Oxford University Press, 2009, p. 80.
10Matthew Skinner, Cameron A. Miles, and Sam Luttrell, Access and Advantage in InvestorState Arbitration: the Law and Practice of Treaty Shopping, Journal of World Energy Law and Business, Vol. 3, 2010.