
枇杷新品种黔光2号的选育 被引量:5

Breeding report of a new loquat cultivar Qianguang 2
摘要 黔光2号枇杷是由黔星×大五星杂交选育出的枇杷新品种,已通过国家农业农村部植物新品种保护名录登记(品种权号:CNA20172137.9)。果实椭圆形,果皮橙黄色,果面光滑,果肉橙黄色,肉质细软,风味酸甜,艳丽美观,平均单果质量58.23 g,果形指数1.05。可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)12.2%,还原性糖含量7.84%,可滴定酸含量0.40%,维生素C含量15.65 mg·100 g^(-1),品质优良。在贵阳地区5月下旬至6月上旬成熟,单穗花朵数量平均172枚,成枝率较强。抗寒性强,抗病性强。贵州省选择在海拔1300 m以下、土层深厚、土质疏松、排水良好、光照充足、早霜危害较轻的地区种植。 Qianguang 2 is a new late-maturing loquat cultivar which is derived from the cross of Qianxing×Dawuxingat experimental field,Qianguang 2 has passed the National Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs New Plant Variety Protection List(variety right number:CNA20172137.9).In the autumn of 2006,the hybrid seeds were harvested in the summer of 2007 and sown immediately,and the hybrid seedling lines were obtained in the autumn of that year;in 2012,the flowering and fruiting lines were numbered and observed.After three consecutive years of flowering results observation in 2012—2014,one excellent late-maturing line with strong stress resistance,high fruit setting rate,large and uniform fruit,and storage durability was screened out,numbered as Qian 0809.In Guiyang,the germplasm maturity period is from late May to early June,5-8 days later than the female parent and 7-10 days later than the male parent.In 2014-2017,two methods were adopted,namely,high branch grafting and grafted seedling planting in Xiaba town,Wudang district,Guiyang city,Xujiaba town,Sinan county,Tongren city,Maolan town,Libo county,Qiannan prefecture,and Taijiang,Qiandongnan prefecture.Observing the results and habits of 6 test sites showed high consistency and stability,was finally named as Qianguang 2.The tree vigor is moderate,the tree posture is half-open,the crown is round,the tree vigor is strong,the branches are soft and tough.Mature leaves are oval.The inflorescence is medium.The average number of flowers in a single inflorescence is 172,cone-shaped,the inflorescence axis is drooping,and the petals are yellow and white.The fruit is oval,fruit shape index is 1.05,fruit base is obtuse,fruit top is concave,peel is orange-yellow,flesh is orange-yellow,fleshy,juicy,sweet and sour.After fruit thinning,there are 3 fruits per panicle,the average fruit weight is 58.23 g,the skin thickness is0.31 mm,and the pulp thickness is 10.63 mm.The edible rate is 73.4%,the content of soluble solid is12.2%,the content of reducing sugar is 7.84%,the titration acidis 0.4%,vitamin C content is 15.65 mg·100 g^(-1).Quality is excellent.In Guiyang,the blooming period is in early January of the following year,the amount of flower spikes is large,and the flowering period is long.The maturity date is from late May to early June.It has strong cold resistance and disease resistance.Suitable cultivation area can choose below the altitude of 1300 m in Guizhou province,soil deep,loose soil,good drainage of adequate illumination,early frost damage lighter areas planted,High and stable yield.
作者 杨勇胜 李庆宏 江旭升 魏椿 邓勇 陈树红 曾庆华 YANG Yongsheng;LI Qinghong;JIANG Xusheng;WEI Chun;DENG Yong;CHEN Shuhong;ZENG Qinghua(Guiyang Agricultural Test Center,Guiyang 550002,Guizhou,China;Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Kaiyang County,Guiyang 550300,Guizhou,China)
出处 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第10期1817-1820,共4页 Journal of Fruit Science
基金 贵州省农业科技攻关项目(黔科合NY[2014]3023号) 贵州省精品水果现代农业产业技术体系五年规划(2018—2023年)。
关键词 枇杷 新品种 黔光2号 Loquat Newcultivar Qianguang 2
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