石碌铁矿2^(#)主溜井在使用过程中出现了大面积垮帮现象,造成-420 m水平放矿口频繁卡堵,严重影响矿山采矿生产。为了防止主溜井垮帮范围扩大进而影响卸载站的安全运行,通过三维扫描初步掌握了主溜井的垮帮情况,采取自上而下的方式先行清理加固主溜井垮帮的顶部,然后对主溜井进行清理、喷锚网临时支护。根据主溜井岩石状况,每隔10~15 m进行钢筋混凝土加固、加装耐磨衬板。经过近6个月的紧张施工,完成了主溜井垮帮修复工作。
The No.2 main chute in Shilu Iron Mine has a large area of collapse in the process of use,resulting in frequent blockage of-420 m horizontal ore drawing mouth,which seriously affects mining production.In order to prevent the expansion of the collapse range of the main chute and thus affect the safe operation of the unloading station,the mine has preliminarily mastered the collapse of the main chute through three-dimensional scanning,and the top of the collapse of the main chute is cleaned and strengthened by top-down method.Then,the main chute was cleaned and temporarily supported by shotcrete and anchor net.According to the rock condition of the main chute,reinforced concrete reinforcement was carried out every 10~15 m and wear-resistant lining plate was installed.After nearly six months of intense construction,completed the main chute collapse repair work.
FAN Qingxia;SUN Hongzhuan(Hainan Mining Co.,Ltd.;Hunan Chuxiang Construction Engineering Group Co.,Ltd.)
Modern Mining