
对国民政府后期治藏政策的再分析——以五世热振及沈宗濂关系为中心 被引量:1

Reanalysis of the Tibetan Policy of the National Government in the Late Period:Based on the Relations between the Fifth Reting Rinpoche and Shen Zonglian
摘要 五世热振活佛是近代西藏历史上一位倾心内向的活佛,曾为中央政府与西藏地方关系的改善做出过贡献,并戳破了英国人在“西藏问题”上苦心经营的“道德”形象,但当热振辞去摄政职务时,国民政府对此的反应却是轻慢的。当1942年“外交局”事件发生后,国民政府在治藏政策方面进行了调整。沈宗濂作为蒋介石属意的官员出任蒙藏委员会驻藏办事处处长,曾积极投身藏事,改善了西藏地方与中央的关系,对国民政府的西藏政策发挥了较大影响。但是,20世纪40年代末,西藏地方发生了若干事件,国民政府却无所作为。对此,沈宗濂负有难以推卸的责任。然而在沈宗濂态度转变的背后,更本质的原因则是国民政府的消极治藏政策。 The Fifth Reting Rinpoche was a famous"pro-central government"Living Buddha in modern Tibetan history. However, when the Rinpoche resigned in 1941,the attitude and reaction of Kong Qingzong( the director of the Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commissions Office in Tibet) was not proper-he did not leave any political advice for the Fifth Reting Rinpoche,but reported that "The situation in Tibet is very calm now. "This was undoubtedly a dereliction of duty by Kong Qingzong.In July 1942,the Tibetan local government illegally set up a "Foreign Bureau",which aroused Chiang Kai-shek’s anger,leading to him replacing Kong Qingzong with Shen Zonglian, one of his trusted advisers. Shen Zonglian worked actively in the early days when he was in Tibet and achieved certain results. Shen Zonglian once offered to Chiang Kai-shek a proposal to completely resolve the Tibetan issue: the main idea was to reorganize the Xikang under Liu Wenhui’s rule and open up the traffic between Xikang and Tibet. However,against the background of Chiang Kai-shek’s passive Tibet policy,Shen Zonglian not only wanted to withdraw but also implemented a series of passive measures,even forged a document,which profoundly affected the National Government’s response to the "Reting Incident"in 1947.Shen Zonglian’s responsibility is hard to shirk,and this article has clearly demonstrated Shen’s change from a positive to a passive policy on Tibetan affairs,which is the inevitable result of his choice to implement Chiang Kai-shek’s policy on the governance of Tibet. But more importantly,it is still the source of Shen Zonglian’s power.Through the study of relevant archives,it can be seen that the decision-making on Tibetan affairs,from personnel to strategic policies,was ultimately made by Chiang Kai-shek himself. Previous studies mostly believed that the National Government’s inaction in the "Reting Incident"was because the civil war left no extra time or support to solve these issues,or because the plateau weather conditions precluded the sending of a plane to warn the Tibetan local government. A more detailed research shows that these claims are questionable.From 1943 to 1947,it is no coincidence that Chiang Kai-shek always chose compromise every time he was faced with the important"Tibet issue. "Shen Zonglian eventually left Tibet and started his economic work in Shanghai which he expected for a long time and was still advising Chiang Kai-shek on financial reforms on the eve of the economic collapse of the Kuomintang-controlled areas,but ironically, as with Tibet, he failed to change much. In the early days of Shen Zonglian’s entry into Tibet,he ambitiously put forward two proposals: first,reorganize the Xikang under Liu Wenhui’s rule and,second,open up the traffic between Xikang and Tibet. However,they were rejected by Chiang Kai-shek but later were nevertheless implemented under the leadership of the Communist Party of China following the peaceful liberation of Tibet in 1951.
作者 冯翔 喜饶尼玛 Feng Xiang;Xirao Nima(Minzu Unirersity of China,Beijing,100081,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期82-94,125,共14页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 四川省哲学社会科学重点研究基地青藏高原经济社会与文化发展研究中心“山川相缪,唇齿相依:抗战时期康藏贸易公司对民族交往交融的助力”项目(QZY1902)的阶段性成果。
关键词 五世热振 沈宗濂 国民政府 治藏政策 the Fifth Reting Rinpoche Shen Zonglian the National Government governing Tibet policy
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