

The Dilemma and Countermeasure Research in the Link between Rural Finance's Promotion of Poverty Alleviation and Rural Revitalization
摘要 农村金融对脱贫攻坚和乡村振兴的顺利衔接至关重要。以乡镇银行作为农村金融的代表,探究其衔接过程中的困境及解决对策。首先,农村金融可以通过发展金融科技降低运营成本;其次,农村金融机构多途径集成支农资金解决支农资金不足的困境;国家可以结合科学技术加大监管力度,抑制支农资金的外流,并实现全方面的监管,降低金融风险;最后,农村金融有针对性地培养复合型人才,以使农村金融有效推动脱贫攻坚与乡村振兴的衔接发展。 Rural finance is very important to the smooth connection between poverty alleviation and rural revitalization. This paper takes the township bank as the representative of rural finance, and probes into the dilemma and countermeasures in the connection between rural finance and rural revitalization. First of all,rural finance can develop financial science and technology and reduce the operating costs of financial institutions by combining it with the Internet and big data;secondly, rural financial institutions can integrate agricultural support funds from new financial institutions such as rural credit cooperatives and new rural financial organizations to solve the current shortage of agricultural support funds;and, in the face of the outflow of agricultural support funds, the state can strengthen the supervision of rural financial institutions.In view of the development of rural finance, remote supervision can be carried out in combination with current science and technology to realize the full aspects of rural finance supervision in order to curb the outflow of agricultural support funds;In addition, strengthening the supervision of rural financial institutions also helps to reduce the risk of rural financial institutions and promote the development of rural revitalization strategy. Finally, the healthy development of rural finance needs the support of compound talents,help the development of rural finance and effectively promote the development between poverty alleviation and rural revitalization.
作者 汪艳涛 盛童 金炜博 WANG Yantao;SHENG Tong;JIN Weibo(Qingdao University of Technology Business School,Qingdao Shandong 266525)
出处 《山东农业工程学院学报》 2021年第10期1-6,共6页 The Journal of Shandong Agriculture and Engineering University
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目“新时代绿色金融创新影响农村生态文明建设的内在机理、效应测度与政策仿真研究”(编号:19YJCZH150) 山东省金融应用重点研究项目“乡村振兴背景下山东省新型农村合作金融实现机制与对策研究”(编号:2019-JRZZ-12) 山东省社会科学规划研究项目“新旧动能转换背景下绿色金融发展的现实障碍与破解路径研究”(编号:18CJJJ16) 中国博士后科学基金面上项目“供给侧改革背景下新型农村合作金融实现路径研究”(编号:2017M622269)。
关键词 农村金融 脱贫攻坚 乡村振兴 rural finance poverty alleviation rural revitalization
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