
《民法典》第1060条(日常家事代理)评注 被引量:26

Comments on Article 1060(Necessaries Doctrine)of Civil Code of People’s Republic of China
摘要 日常家事代理旨在维护交易安全、保护婚姻家庭,但其实未必能实现该双重目的。在解释论上,应以保护婚姻家庭作为日常家事代理的首要目的,并以负担行为的场景为限;维护交易安全的目的仅在处分行为的场景勉强具有正当性。日常家事代理未必能定性为单纯的代理权,它部分不适用于分居期间,亦不可类推适用于同居关系、父母子女关系等亲密关系。认定"家庭日常生活需要"的关键是夫妻一方或双方在日常家事范围内实际受益,而非可能受益。日常家事代理易与夫妻共同债务、夫妻共同财产的管理权、表见代理、户主的代理权等诸多制度混淆。其法律后果为夫妻一方以个人名义实施的民事法律行为对夫妻双方生效,而非仅对夫妻另一方生效。夫妻对日常家事代理的限制不得对抗善意相对人的规定,缺乏实益。事实推定(表见证明)的技术对于日常家事代理的判断至关重要。 The doctrine of necessaries,or the"agency of meeting the needs of the family’s daily life"as prescribed in Article 1060 of the Civil Code,aims at maintaining transaction security,and protecting marriage and family.However,both ends are beyond the capacity of this doctrine.Under the current Chinese law,protecting the marriage and family shall be regarded as the primary purpose of the necessaries doctrine,when it is applied in constitutive transactions.In contrast,the purpose of maintaining transaction security may be barely justified in the context of dispositive transactions.This doctrine is not applicable during the separation period,nor can it be used by analogy to close relationships between cohabitants,parents and children,etc.The key criterion for meeting the family’s daily life is that either spouse or both spouses must have benefited from the related legal transaction;the potential of benefiting therefrom does not suffice.This doctrine is easy to be confused with many rules or doctrines such as community debt,the sole management of community property by one spouse,apparent agency and the authority of the householder.Regarding its legal consequence,the necessaries doctrine renders a legal transaction conducted by one spouse in its own name legally binding on both spouses,instead of binding only the other side.The provision that the internal restriction imposed upon this doctrine between the spouses may not be asserted against a bona fides third party,would hardly be applied in practice.The technique of prima facie evidence plays a very important role in applying the necessaries doctrine.
作者 贺剑 HE Jian
机构地区 北京大学法学院
出处 《南京大学学报(哲学.人文科学.社会科学)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期102-119,162,163,共20页 Journal of Nanjing University(Philosophy,Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(16CFX054)。
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