

Research on Data Protection of Command Information System Based on Consortium Blockchain
摘要 随着社会信息化的快速发展,指挥信息系统逐渐成为作战的核心要素,所面临的数据安全问题也随之增加。传统的中心化数据保护方式易出现单点失效和数据篡改等问题,难以有效保障系统的数据安全。针对这些问题,结合区块链去中心化、不可篡改、可追溯审计以及可编程等优势,提出了一种基于联盟链的指挥信息系统数据保护方案,分析了指挥信息系统的节点功能,利用多通道结构对节点权限进行了划分,设计并实现了基于混合加密的数据保护智能合约,保证链上数据分布式存储、不可篡改、完整性可验证,支持数据的授权共享,并对非授权节点保密。测试结果显示,系统能够细粒度地对用户数据进行有效保护,系统响应延迟较低,节点容器内存开销较小,保证该系统能够在资源受限的平台上运行。 With the rapid development of social informatization,the command information system has gradually become the core element of military operations.Meanwhile,the data security problems have also increased.The traditional centralized data protection method is prone to problems such as single point failure and data tampering,which cannot guarantee the data security of current system.In order to solve these problems,a command information system data protection method based on consortium blockchain is proposed,which utilizes the decentralized,immutable,auditable and programmable characteristics of blockchain.The node function of the command information system is analyzed,while system nodes are classified into different channels according to their data access permissions.Data protection smart contracts based on hybrid encryption are designed and implemented,which can be used to realize the characteristics of distributed storage,tamper-proof and verifiable integrity.The raw data can be shared within authorized nodes and disclosed to unauthorized nodes.The test shows that the proposed method can achieve fine-grained data protection with low system response delay and relatively small memory overhead of node containers,which illustrates that this system is able to run on the platform with limited hardware performance.
作者 陈传坤 谷立祥 颜廷贵 CHEN Chuan-kun;GU Li-xiang;YAN Ting-gui(Beijing Institute of Astronautical Systems Engineering,Beijing 100076,China;China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology,Beijing 100076,China)
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2021年第10期105-110,共6页 Computer Technology and Development
基金 中国航天科技集团钱学森青年创新基金(20170102)。
关键词 联盟链 指挥信息系统 智能合约 多通道 混合加密 consortium blockchain command information system smart contract multichannel hybrid encryption
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