

Exploration and Reflection on the Development Path of Community Education——Taking Hefei City of Anhui Province as an Example
摘要 习近平总书记指出,当今世界正经历百年未有之大变局。作为长三角城市群副中心城市、新一线城市的安徽省省会合肥,正处于世界新变局、区域新布局、城市新格局的当下,创新是城市蜕变的名片,教育是城市发展的引擎。近年来,源自社区、立足社区、服务社区的社区教育得到了合肥市委市政府的重视,受到了社区居民的点赞欢迎,在全市教育主管部门的支持下,在以合肥社区大学为龙头的社区教育四级网络体系的积极作为下,合肥市社区教育经历了起步实验阶段、探索示范阶段、拓展推广阶段,形成了党委领导、政府统筹、教育主管、四级联动、群众响应的体制机制,取得了较为丰硕的发展成果。在长三角一体化发展背景下,落实党的十九届四中全会“构建服务全民终身学习的教育体系”要求,畅通终身学习通道,作为终身教育的重要载体和必要一环,合肥社区教育既迎来了重大机遇,也面临着巨大挑战。 General secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the world is undergoing a great change in the past century.As a sub-central city and a new first-tier city in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration,Hefei,the capital of Anhui Province,is in the current situation of new changes in the world,new regional layout and new urban pattern.Innovation is the card of urban transformation,and education is the engine of urban development.In recent years,Hefei Municipal Party committee and government have attached great importance to community education originating from,based on and serving communities.It is welcomed by the community residents.With the support of the city’s education authorities and the positive action of the four level network system of community education led by Hefei Community University,Hefei community education has gone through the initial stage,the exploration and experimental stage,the leading and demonstration stage,and the promotion and coverage stage.At present,it has entered the stage of deepening the connotation,forming the system and mechanism of education with the leadership of the Party committee,government overall planning,education management,four-level linkage and mass response,which have achieved fruitful results.Under the background of the integrated development of Yangtze River Delta,Hefei community education is facing great opportunities and challenges as an important carrier and a necessary link of lifelong education by implementing the requirements of“building an education system for lifelong learning of the whole people”in the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and unblocking the channel of lifelong learning.
作者 李姝 陈瑶 Li Shu;Chen Yao(Lifelong Education Division,Hefei Branch of Anhui Open University,Hefei 230001,China;Office,Hefei Branch of Anhui Open University,Hefei 230001,China)
出处 《继续教育研究》 2021年第10期26-28,共3页 Continuing Education Research
基金 2019—2020年度安徽广播电视大学青年科研项目“合肥市社区教育发展路径及模式研究”(编号:QN201904),课题主持人:李姝。
关键词 社区教育 路径 合肥 Community education Route Hefei
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