
CMNEs嵌入发达国家市场过程研究——以四川长虹电器股份有限公司近30年海外扩张为例 被引量:5

The Process of CMNEs Embedding into Developed Markets——Taking the Overseas Expansion of Sichuan Changhong Electric Appliance Co.,Ltd.in Recent 30 Years as Examples
摘要 从社会嵌入视角出发,以四川长虹电器股份有限公司在美国、欧洲市场的国际化样本,通过纵向嵌套案例比较,探索中国跨国企业(CMNEs)如何通过两种社会嵌入措施,组合实现海外扩张中增长与存活的良性互动。研究发现:以结构嵌入措施为主、关系嵌入措施为辅的前瞻扩张,在实现增长过程中改善了存活状态;以关系嵌入措施为主、结构嵌入措施为辅的拟态扩张,在实现存活过程中孕育了增长潜能;在CMNEs与东道国环境交互过程中,拟态扩张和前瞻扩张两种机制的校准与灵活应用,帮助CMNEs承载国际化过程中的风险与不确定性,持续推动增长与存活的发展。 From the perspective of social embeddedness and through the comparison of vertical nested cases study,this study uses the international samples of Sichuan Changhong Electric Co.,Ltd.in the U.S.and European markets to explore how Chinese multinational enterprises(CMNEs)can achieve a positive interaction between growth and survival by combinations of two kinds of social embeddedness measures.The research finds that the prospective expansion based on structural embeddedness measures and supplemented by relational embeddedness measures can improve survival in the process of realizing growth.The mimetic expansion based on relational embeddedness measures and supplemented by structural embeddedness measures can nurture the potential for growth in the process of realizing survival.In the process of interaction between CMNEs and the host country environment,the calibration and flexible application of the two mechanisms of mimetic expansion and prospective expansion help CMNEs bear the risks and uncertainties and continue to promote the development of growth and survival in the process of internationalization.
作者 陈其齐 史轩亚 杜义飞 薛敏 CHEN Qiqi;SHI Xuanya;DU Yifei;XUE Min(University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Chengdu,China;China West Normal University,Nanchong,Sichuan,China)
出处 《管理学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第7期959-969,共11页 Chinese Journal of Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71672021) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(ZYGX2015SKT01) 四川省科技厅软科学资助项目(2019JDR0027)。
关键词 CMNEs 结构嵌入 关系嵌入 中国跨国企业 企业的增长与存活 CMNEs structural embeddedness relational embeddedness Chinese multinational enterprises growth and survival of firm
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