Before the printing culture flourished in the Northern Song,many official histories of the Northern and Southern Dynasties were circulated as manuscripts,which resulted in numerous lost and altered passages during the transmission process.Many categorized collections of the Tang and Song periods often cited some passages from these official histories and they preserved some original fragmentary texts to some extent.Therefore,based on some extant precisely-edited versions,contemporary textual criticism that focus on circulate editions might not be able to hand these official histories from the pre-Song period that were produced during the era of manuscripts.While dealing with these official histories,one should pay attention to both collecting and critical editing,viewing those texts cited in the categorized collections as independent versions and treating them with identification and verification,and comparing them with current printed editions.Furthermore,they should be verified with currently circulated versions or they should be placed as appendixes if they could not be compared with current editions.Eventually,they will be offered as precious and novel materials to scholars.
Northern and Southern Dynasties
Official Histories
Categorized Collections
Recovered Passages