

The Path and Contemporary Value of the Thought of Benefiting the People in Guanzi
摘要 《管子》在民本治国实践中提出的“利之”思想,潜藏有新时代新发展理念的思想雏形和社会主义核心价值观的部分因子。它以“分货”“低税”“借贷”形式呈现其“让利于民”思想,以“轻重因乘术”“予之为取术”“政令引导术”展现其“创利于民”理路,让利使民更为敬业,创利使国趋向富强。“让利”与“创利”协调共进,将利民的双重路径演绎得精彩纷呈,这对乡村振兴战略背景下的可持续性脱贫颇具借鉴意义。 The thought of“benefit people”put forward by Guanzi in the practice of governing the country by the people has the rudiments of the thought of five development ideas in the new era and some factors of the Socialist Core Values.In the form of distributing goods,low taxes and borrowing and lending,it presents its idea of giving benefit to the people,and shows its principle of creating benefit to the people by attaching importance to the art,giving it the art of taking it and guiding it by government orders.profits-given makes the people more dedicated,profits-making makes the country tend to be rich and strong,which can promote the development of the productive forces,regulate the relations of production and promote social progress by innovating the content of the individual tax and opening up the mountains,forests and rivers and other forms of concessions,also guarantee the basic livelihood of the people through green lending and build a harmonious society and share the flourishing age of Great Qi.The co-ordination of profits-given&profits-making can benefit the people of the two brilliant interpretations of the path,which is of great significance in the context of rural revitalization strategy for sustainable poverty reduction.
作者 王义忠 WANG Yizhong(School of Finance, Henan University of Finance and Economics, Zhengzhou 450002, China)
出处 《华北水利水电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第5期100-107,共8页 Journal of North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power(Social Science Edition)
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(15XNH118)后期研究成果。
关键词 《管子》 利民 路径 让利 创利 Guanzi benefiting the people paths making profits creating profits
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