

National Memory in the Dimension of War--Take the Individual Trauma in Alexevich's Works as an Example
摘要 S·A·阿列克谢耶维奇的作品被誉为情感与心灵的编年史,创伤叙事是阿列克谢耶维奇作品的写作风格,也是研究者探讨的核心问题之一。本文基于阿列克谢耶维奇的创伤写作模式,讨论作品表达的深刻寓意,从创伤叙事艺术探讨其作品中的理论、思想和现代性维度,并通过对情感、生死的诠释探索其作品蕴含的审美风格和叙事特征。借以阐述作为弱势群体的亲历者们对战争或灾难的主观感受,以及其在世人面前的所表现出的身份认同危机,进而警醒后人,呼吁社会给予更多的人道主义关怀。 S.A.Alexievich's works are known as the chronicle of emotion and soul,and trauma narrative is the important writing style of Alexievich's works,which is also one of the core issues discussed by researchers.Based on Alexievich's trauma writing mode.This paper discusses the profound meaning expressed in her works,explores the theoretical,ideological and modern dimensions in her works from the perspective of trauma narrative art,and explores the aesthetic style and narrative features contained in her works through the interpretation of emotion,life and death.In this way,it expounds the subjective feelings of the vulnerable groups who have experienced the war or disaster,as well as their identity crisis in front of the world,so as to alert the future generations and appeal to the society to give more humanitarian care.
作者 刘锦男 LIU Jin-nan(School of Foreign Languages,Guangdong Ocean University,Zhanjiang Guangdong 524000)
出处 《牡丹江大学学报》 2021年第10期35-39,59,共6页 Journal of Mudanjiang University
基金 广东海洋大学哲学社科项目“文学人类学视阈下S.A.阿列克谢耶维奇的作品研究”(项目编号:C20138) 广东省哲学社会科学规划项目“翻译研究中不同主体的阐释学理论立场”(项目编号:GD18XWW4) 广东海洋大学教改课题“复合应用型外语人才跨文化交际能力培养模式的探索--以第二外语(俄语)课程建设为中心”(项目编号:570219107)。
关键词 S·A·阿列克谢耶维奇 创伤叙事 叙事特征 人道主义关怀 S.A.Alexievich traumatic writing narrative characteristic humanitarian care
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