
浙江省地下开采矿产资源节约集约利用水平评估 被引量:1

Evaluation on the Level of Economical and Intensive Utilization of Underground Mining Mineral Resources in Zhejiang Province
摘要 为评估浙江省地下开采矿山矿产资源节约集约利用水平现状,在开展面上调查和实地调研基础上,分析影响矿产资源节约集约利用水平的技术、经济、管理等方面指标项,并结合矿山调研数据给出指标项的标准值。首先,采用AHP层次分析法和专家打分确立评价指标项权重,建立地下开采矿山节约集约利用水平评价指标体系;其次,根据指标权重和矿山当前在该指标体系的客观得分,获得反映节约集约利用能力水平的总体评价分值,以此来衡量矿山节约集约利用水平,即评价分值越高则矿山节约集约利用水平越强;最后,为验证评价指标体系的合理性、适用性和契合度,对39家浙江省典型的地下开采矿山开展地下开采矿产资源节约集约利用水平评估。结果表明,评估值与矿山企业的开发利用实际情况基本一致,能够客观地反映出矿山企业的资源节约集约利用水平,可为建立全省矿产资源节约集约利用水平考核和监管机制提供思路和决策建议。 Based on the general investigation and field investigation of the current situation of the level of economical and intensive utilization of mineral resources in the underground mining mines in Zhejiang Province,analyzes the technical,economic,management and other indicators affecting the level of economical and intensive utilization of mineral resources,and calculates the standard value of the indicators in combination with the mine investigation data.Analytic hierarchy process(AHP)and expert scoring are used to establish the weight of evaluation index items and the evaluation index system of the level of economical and intensive utilization of underground mining.Through the index weight and the current objective score of the mine in the index system,the overall evaluation score reflecting the level of economical and intensive utilization is obtained to measure the level of economical and intensive utilization of the mine,that is,the higher the evaluation score,the stronger the level of economical and intensive utilization of the mine.In order to further verify the rationality,applicability and fit degree of the evaluation index system,39 typical underground mining mines in Zhejiang Province are evaluated on the level of economical and intensive utilization of underground mining mineral resources.The results show that the evaluation value is basically consistent with the actual situation of the development and utilization of mining enterprises,which can objectively reflect the level of resource conservation and intensive utilization of mining enterprises,and provide ideas and decision-making suggestions for the establishment of the assessment and supervision mechanism of the level of mineral resource conservation and intensive utilization of the whole province.
作者 廖福源 林钟扬 荣一萍 LIAO Fu-yuan;LIN Zhong-yang;RONG Yi-ping(Zhejiang Institute of Geological Survey,Hangzhou 311203,China;Technology Innovation Center for Ecological Evaluation and Remediation of Agricultural Land in Plain Area,Ministry of Natural Resources,Hangzhou 311203,China)
出处 《科技和产业》 2021年第9期221-226,共6页 Science Technology and Industry
基金 浙江省自然资源厅地质科学研究项目(2016003,2019015)。
关键词 矿产资源 节约集约利用 指标体系 权重 评估 mineral resources economical and intensive utilization index system weight evaluation
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