
心肌梗死分子影像学研究进展 被引量:3

Research progresses in molecular imaging of myocardial infarction
摘要 以心肌梗死(MI)为主的缺血性心脏病发病率和死亡率逐年上升。MI发生30 min后,部分心肌将发生不可逆性损伤,于MI早期详细评估受损心肌并及时挽救存活心肌可极大改善预后。分子影像学技术不仅能在体了解心肌缺血后分子和细胞生物学机制,也有助于判断MI预后及评估疗效。本文对基于分子影像学的MI相关研究进展进行综述。 The incidence rate and mortality rate of ischemic heart disease,mainly myocardial infarction(MI),kept increasing year by year.Irreversible myocardial injury will occur 30 min after myocardial infarction.Therefore,a detailed assessment of the damaged myocardium in the early stage of MI and timely rescue of the viable myocardium will greatly improve the prognosis.The emerging molecular imaging technology can not only show the molecular and cellular biological processes of myocardial ischemia in vivo,but also help to judge the prognosis and evaluate the curative effect of MI.The research processes related to MI based on molecular imaging were reviewed in this article.
作者 李爽 赵世华 陆敏杰 LI Shuang;ZHAO Shihua;LU Minjie(Department of Magnetic Resonance Imaging,Peking Union Medical College&Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Fuwai Hospital,National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases,Beijing 100037,China)
出处 《中国医学影像技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第10期1571-1574,共4页 Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology
基金 中国医学科学院重点实验室(培育)建设期研究项目(2019PT310025)、国家自然科学基金(81971588、81771811)、北京市科技计划首都临床诊疗技术研究及示范应用(Z191100006619021)、中国医学科学院临床与转化医学研究基金(2019XK320063)。
关键词 心肌梗死 分子成像 myocardial infarction molecular imaging
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