
批量化制备纳米纤维静电纺丝设备研究进展 被引量:6

Research progress of electrospinning device for batch preparation of nanofibers
摘要 对静电纺丝设备的喷射装置进行改进是实现批量化制备纳米纤维的重要方法。介绍了多针头多射流静电纺丝法和无针头多射流静电纺丝法2种喷射改进方法批量制备纳米纤维的原理、特点,并对比了2种方法的优缺点。与传统单针头静电纺丝法相比,多针头多射流静电纺丝法通过合理设计针头的排布或者加装屏蔽装置、辅助气流等来避免针头间的干扰,提高了纳米纤维的产量,但针头间仍易出现电场干扰现象,且存在设备体积较大等问题;与多针头多射流静电纺丝法相比,无针头多射流静电纺丝法减少了纺丝过程中针头间的相互干扰,缩小了喷丝装置的占地面积,但纺丝的可控性较差,且纺丝过程中会有溶剂挥发。未来批量化制备纳米纤维依旧是静电纺丝领域的一大研究重点。 An important way to realize the batch preparation of nanofibers is to improve the spraying unit of electrospinning device.The principle and characteristics of batch preparation of nanofibers by multi-needle multi-jet electrospinning and needleless multi-jet electrospinning were introduced,and the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods were compared.Compared with the traditional single-needle electrospinning method,the multi-needle multi-jet electrospinning method avoided the interference between the needles by reasonably designing the arrangement of the needles or installing shielding devices and auxiliary air flow,and thus the output of nanofibers was increased,however,the electric field interference between the needles easily occurred,and the equipment volume was large.Compared with the multi-needle multi-jet electrospinning method,the needleless multi-jet electrospinning method depressed the mutual interference between the needles in the spinning process and reduced the floor area of spinneret unit,but the spinning controllability was poor and there would be solvent volatilization in the spinning process;and the major research focus will still be the batch preparation of nanofibers in the field of electrospinning in the future.
作者 唐海洲 洪洁 曾佳琪 郝栋连 毛雪 张坤 TANG Haizhou;HONG Jie;ZENG Jiaqi;HAO Donglian;MAO Xue;ZHANG Kun(School of Textile Science and Engineering,Xi′an Polytechnic University,Xi′an 710048)
出处 《合成纤维工业》 CAS 2021年第5期71-76,82,共7页 China Synthetic Fiber Industry
基金 陕西省教育厅专项科研计划项目(20JK0648)。
关键词 静电纺丝 批量化 纳米纤维 纺丝装置 研究进展 electrospinning batch preparation nanofibers spinning device research progress
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