
InterRAI⁃HC评估及护理干预对老年慢性病病人长期照护质量的影响 被引量:8

Impact of InterRAI⁃HC assessment and nursing intervention on the quality of long⁃term care for elderly patients with chronic diseases
摘要 目的:探讨InterRAI⁃HC评估及护理干预对老年慢性病病人长期照护质量的影响。方法:选取我科2019年7月—2019年12月出院的60岁以上的老年慢性病病人102例,将2019年7月—9月出院的病人设为对照组,采用常规出院随访护理模式进行健康评估;将2019年10月—12月出院的病人设为观察组,采用InterRAI⁃HC评估体系进行健康评估,制定照护计划并实施,出院后由家属或护工继续实施照护措施,责任护士定期进行电话随访、入户随访、健康指导并反馈照护效果,同时动态调整照护计划和照护措施。1年后比较两组再入院率、不良事件发生率及日常生活活动能力评分。结果:观察组病人出院后1年内急诊再入院率(16.33%)、不良事件发生率(2.04%)低于对照组(36.17%、12.77%),两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);干预后观察组日常生活活动能力评分高于干预前,干预前后比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:应用InterRAI⁃HC对老年慢性病病人进行评估及护理干预,有助于降低老年人1年内急诊再入院率及不良事件发生率。 Objective:To explore the impact of InterRAITM Home Care(HC)assessment and nursing intervention on the quality of long⁃term care for elderly patients with chronic diseases.Methods:A total of 102 elderly patients with chronic diseases in our department over 60 years old who were discharged from the hospital from July 2019 to December 2019,were selected.The patients discharged from July to September 2019,were enrolled as the control group.They received the routine discharge follow⁃up care model for health evaluation.The patients discharged from October to December 2019 were enrolled as the observation group.They received InterRAI⁃HC assessment for a health evaluation.Nursing plan was developed and implemented.After being discharged from the hospital,their family members or nursing workers should continue implementing care measures.The responsible nurse implemented regular calls follow⁃up,home follow⁃up,health guidance,and take a feedback on care effects.Then,the nursing plan and care measures were adjusted dynamically.One year later,the readmission rate,adverse event rate,and activity of daily living scores were compared between the two groups.Results:The emergency readmission rate(16.33%)and adverse event rate(2.04%)of patients in the observation group were lower than those in the control group(36.17%,12.77%)within 1 year after discharge.The difference between the two groups were statistically significant(P<0.05).After the intervention,the observation group's activity of daily living score was higher than that before the intervention.Difference before and after the intervention was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusions:The application of InterRAI⁃HC for the evaluation and nursing intervention of elderly patients with chronic diseases could help reduce the emergency readmission rate and the incidence of adverse events in the elderly within one year.
作者 李婉玲 崔丽萍 冯晓芳 LI Wanling;CUI Liping;FENG Xiaofang(Tongji Hospital,Tongji Medical College,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Hubei 430030 China)
出处 《护理研究》 北大核心 2021年第20期3627-3631,共5页 Chinese Nursing Research
关键词 InterRAI⁃HC评估 老年人 慢性病 生活质量 护理 Inter RAI⁃HC assessment the elderly chronic diseases quality of life nursing
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