
基于单片机的温湿度检测装置的设计与实现 被引量:2

Design and Implementation of Temperature and Humidity Detection Device Based on Single-chip Microcomputer
摘要 为了保障人们的日常健康生活,提高生活质量,常常需要对环境展开监督。温度与湿度是环境参数的重要部分,本设计提供了一种检测当地环境温湿度参数的传感系统设计,使用Keil开发环境,选择dht11温湿度传感器为检测器件,将以STC89C52为核心的HC6800-MS开发板作为数据处理装置,并使用LCD1602将测量的数据以简单直观的方式展现出来。 In order to ensure people's healthy daily lives and improve the quality of their lives,it is often necessary to supervise the environment.Temperature and humidity are important parts of environmental parameters.This paper provides a design of a sensing system for detecting local environmental temperature and humidity parameters.Using Keil development environment,DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor is selected as the detection device,HC6800-MS development board with STC89C52 as the core is used as data processing device,and LCD1602 is used to show the measured data in a simple and intuitive way.
作者 叶柠 孙宇舸 张宁 YE Ning;SUN Yuge;ZHANG Ning
出处 《科技创新与应用》 2021年第30期72-75,共4页 Technology Innovation and Application
关键词 单片机 温湿度检测 传感器 STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer temperature and humidity detection sensor STC89C52
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