
抗辐射封装加固:电子辐射屏蔽设计 被引量:4

Anti-Radiation Packaging Hardening:A Design on Electronic Radiation Shielding
摘要 空间环境辐射对宇航级器件产生总剂量效应会导致器件性能参数随着剂量累积而逐步衰退,主流的抗辐射加固途径主要是芯片设计和工艺加固,存在设计周期长、流片及验证成本高等问题。针对此问题,为降低具有小批量、多批次特点的宇航级器件的研发门槛,提出一种用于封装抗辐射加固的电子辐射屏蔽设计。设计通过分析GEO轨道的辐射环境,基于对高能电子与屏蔽材料的作用机制,针对电子辐射总剂量效应,采用Al/Ta纳米复合材料结构来屏蔽空间环境中的高能电子辐射及其二次辐射,解决传统封装加固中遇到的“越挡越乱”问题。经实验,0.4 mm以上复合涂层屏蔽效率超过90%并通过了可靠性测试。 The total dose effect of space radiation on aerospace-grade devices will lead to the gradual decline of device performance parameters with dose accumulation.The main anti-radiation reinforcement approaches are chip design and process hardening,with some defects such as long design cycle,high cost of wafer fabrication and verification.To solve the problems,in order to lower the research and development threshold of aerospace-grade devices with the characteristics of small-and-multiple batchs,an electronic radiation shielding design for anti-radiation packaging hardening is proposed.By analyzing the radiation environment of GEO orbit,based on the action mechanism of high-energy electrons and shielding materials,and aiming at the total dose effect of electron radiation,Al/Ta nanocomposite structure is adopted to shield the high-energy electron radiation and its secondary radiation in the space environment,thus solving the problem of"over-blocking and over-chaos"encountered in traditional packaging hardening.Experiments results show that the shielding efficiency of the composite coating above 0.4 mm exceeds 90%,and passes the reliability test.
作者 赵鹤然 王吉强 陈明祥 杨涛 何承发 杜昊 ZHAO Heran;WANG Jiqiang;CHEN Mingxiang;YANG Tao;HE Chengfa;DU Hao(The 47th Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation,Shenyang 110000,China;Institute of Metal Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shenyang 110016,China;School of Mechanical Science&Engineering,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074,China;National Space Science Center,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China;The Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics&Chemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Urumqi 830011,China;Institute of Corrosion Science and Techology,Guangzhou 510530,China)
出处 《微处理机》 2021年第5期1-4,共4页 Microprocessors
关键词 总剂量效应 空间辐射 封装加固 纳米材料 屏蔽 Total dose effect Space radiation Package hardening Nanomaterials Shielding
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