
农业绿色生产社会化服务能提高农业绿色生产率吗 被引量:35

Can Socialized Service of Agricultural Green Production Improve Agricultural Green Productivity?
摘要 从服务视角破解资源环境约束与农户行为约束,探究农业绿色生产社会化服务能否提高农业绿色生产率,是实现农业可持续发展的新思路。本文从理论层面分析农业绿色生产社会化服务对农业绿色生产率的影响机制,基于对黑龙江省13市47村385个种植户的调查数据,构建非期望产出的SBM模型对农业绿色生产率进行测度,采用Tobit回归模型检验农业绿色生产社会化服务对农业绿色生产率的影响效应。结果表明,调查样本农户农业绿色生产率水平偏低,均值仅为0.42,在一定程度上反映出当前整体农业绿色生产率水平不高;绿色投入品使用指导服务、测土配方施肥服务、深耕深松服务和绿色病虫害防控服务等农业绿色生产社会化服务可以显著提高农业绿色生产率,相比于上述四种服务,秸秆还田服务对农业绿色生产率的提高效率相对较弱;以服务采用程度进行分组,发现农户采用农业绿色生产社会化服务程度越高,农业绿色生产率越高,投入要素与农业面源污染需要改进程度越低。因此,提出加强对提高农业绿色生产率问题的重视程度、完善农业绿色生产社会化服务政策支持体系、推动农业绿色生产社会化服务精准化供给等政策建议。 From the perspective of service, breaking the constraints of resources and environment and farmers’ behavior, exploring whether the socialized service of agricultural green production can improve agricultural green productivity is a new idea to realize the sustainable development of agriculture. Based on the survey data of 385 farmers in 47 villages of 13 cities in Heilongjiang Province, this paper constructs an unexpected output SBM model to measure agricultural green productivity and uses the Tobit regression model to test the impact of socialized service of agricultural green production on agricultural green productivity. The results showed that: the level of agricultural green productivity of sample farmers was low, the average was only 0.42, which reflected the low level of overall agricultural green productivity to a certain extent;socialized service of agricultural green products such as guidance service for the use of green inputs, soil testing and formulated fertilization service, deep tillage, and subsoiling service and green pest control service could significantly improve agricultural green productivity, which was relatively stable compared with the above four kinds of services, straw returning service is relatively weak in improving agricultural green productivity;grouped by the degree of service adoption, it is found that the higher the degree of socialized service of agricultural green production, the higher the agricultural green productivity, and the lower the improvement degree of input factors and agricultural non-point source pollution. Therefore, this paper puts forward some policy suggestions, such as strengthening the importance of improving agricultural green productivity, improving the policy support system of socialized service of agricultural green production, and promoting the accurate supply of socialized service of agricultural green production.
作者 李翠霞 许佳彬 王洋 LI Cuixia;XU Jiabin;WANG Yang
出处 《农业技术经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第9期36-49,共14页 Journal of Agrotechnical Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号:71673042) 国家社会科学基金青年项目(编号:16CJY050) 中宣部文化名家暨“四个一批”人才自选项目(编号:201801) 黑龙江省哲学社会科学基金项目(编号:19GLH044) 东北农业大学学术骨干项目(编号:19XG22)。
关键词 农业绿色发展 绿色生产社会化服务 农业绿色生产率 SBM-Tobit模型 Green development of agriculture Socialized service of green production Agricultural green productivity SBM-Tobit model
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