
云南省部分高校学生非医疗目的使用精神活性物质调查分析 被引量:3

Survey on Non-medical Use of Psychoactive Substances among College Students in Yunnan Province
摘要 目的:了解云南省大学生非医疗目的使用精神活性物质使用情况及特征,为预防大学生药物滥用提供参考。方法:采用国家药物滥用中心编制的《大学生健康状况调查表》对西南某省的6个本专科院校中的3102名学生进行问卷调查。根据是否使用过非医疗目的精神活性物质,分为使用组和非使用组,对两组大学生的人口学特征进行比较,并对使用组精神活性物质的种类及获得信息的途径进行分析。结果:非医学目的使用精神活性物质者496人(占16.9%),未使用者2442人(占83.1%)。使用组男性、理工农医类学生比例高于未使用组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),但两组民族、生源地、住校与否、是否独生子女及当地居住时间(是否≥6个月)等人口社会学特征比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。使用频率排名前三位的精神活性物质是复方甘草片、强力枇杷露、咳速停糖浆;有使用精神活性物质经历的大学生获得精神活性药物相关信息的途径以“影视作品”所占比例最高,“纸质读物”次之;获得精神活性药物相关物质的途径以“家里”和“零售药店自行购买”居多。大部分认同“没有生病时使用精神活性药物会对身体造成伤害”。结论:在校大学生存在非医疗目的使用精神活性药物情况,男性大学生为重点干预和监测人群,相关部门应重视大学生非医疗目的使用精神活性物质的现象,加强对复方甘草片、止咳糖浆类药品监管的重视。 Objective: To investigate the use of psychoactive substances for non-medical purposes among college students in Yunnan Province and to provide references for the prevention of drug abuse among college students. Methods: 3102 students from 6 colleges and universities in southwest China were investigated by using the questionnaire of college Students’ Health status compiled by the National Center for Drug Abuse. According to whether they have used psychoactive substances for non-medical purposes, they were divided into the use group and the non-use group. The demographic characteristics of the two groups of college students were compared, and the types of psychoactive substances in the use group and the way to obtain information were analyzed. Results: A total of 496 people(16.9%) used psychoactive substances for non-medical purposes, 2 442 people(83.1%) did not use psychoactive substances. The proportion of male, science, engineering, agriculture and medical students in the use group were higher than those in the non-use group, and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). The top three psychoactive substances ranked in frequency were compound glycyrrhizin tablets, Qiangli Pipalu and Kesuting syrup. College students with experience in using psychoactive substances had the highest proportion of access to psychoactive drug-related information by “film and television works”, followed by “paper books”. Most of the ways to obtain psychoactive drugs related substances were “home” and “self-purchase of retail pharmacies”. Most agree that the use of psychoactive drugs without illness can cause bodily harm. Conclusion: College students use psychoactive drugs for non-medical purposes. Male college students are the key intervention and monitoring population. Relevant departments should pay attention to the use of psychoactive substances for non-medical purposes of college students, and strengthen the supervision of compound glycyrrhizin tablets and cough syrup drugs.
作者 李渔 秦亚丽 冯立新 吴晨 刘佳 LI Yu;QIN Yali;FENG Lixin;WU Chen;LIU Jia(Yunnan Drug Evaluation Center,Kunming 650101,Yunnan,China;National Center for ADR Monitoring,Beijing 100022,China;Hai Yuan College of Kunming Medical University,Kunming 650101,Yunnan,China)
出处 《中国药物滥用防治杂志》 CAS 2021年第5期649-653,共5页 Chinese Journal of Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment
基金 国家药品不良反应监测中心资助项目(编号:GYPPJ2019037)。
关键词 大学生 非医疗目的 精神活性物质 调查分析 College Students Non-Medical Purposes Psychoactive Substances Investigation and Analysis
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