

On the Logic of Mill s Feminist Thought
摘要 穆勒是西方自由主义女权主义的代表人物,其女权主义思想代表作是《妇女的屈从地位》。从韦伯支配理论的角度重新解读这本书,会发现穆勒女权主义思想的完整逻辑思路。他首先指出性别支配的客观存在并予以批判;然后从风俗习惯、法律制度等影响因素出发探寻性别支配的根源,指出性别支配的不合理性;进而主张重建平等的两性关系,并从人类社会进步的角度指出这一建构的意义。穆勒女权主义思想的整体逻辑思路尽管相对清晰完整,但在具体问题的阐释中却存在一定的逻辑缺憾。 Mill was a representative figure of Western liberal feminism.His representative work of feminist ideology is The Subjection of Women.Reinterpreting the book from the perspective of Weber s dominant theory,we will find the complete logical idea of Mill s feminist ideas.He first points out the objective existence of gender dominance and criticized it.Then he explores the causes of gender control from customs,legal system and other influencing factors,and points out the irrationality of gender control.It then advocates the reconstruction of equal gender relations,and points out the significance of this construction from the perspective of human social progress.Although the overall logical idea of Mill s feminist thought is relatively clear and complete,there are some logical shortcomings in the interpretation of specific problems.
作者 王善英 WANG Shan-ying(Shandong Academy of Social Sciences,Jinan 250002,China)
机构地区 山东社会科学院
出处 《山东女子学院学报》 2021年第6期34-39,共6页 Journal of Shandong Women's University
基金 山东省社会科学规划项目“女性主义视角下的沂蒙红嫂精神研究”(项目编号:20CZXJ09)。
关键词 穆勒 女权主义 支配 逻辑 Mill feminism dominance logic
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