After the Japanese launched the Operation Ichi-go in April 1944,the CPC Central Committee adopted the South Strategy,aiming to establish an Anti-Japanese Base in the border area between Hunan and Guangdong.If successful,it would link the CPC’s base areas in northern,central and southern China together.To set this strategy in motion,the CPC Central Committee ordered the No.359 Brigade of the No.120 Division to go on an expedition to the south.The task of the No.359 Brigade was two-pronged:first,it was expected to escort CPC cadres to the No.5 Division of the New Fourth Army at the border area between Hubei and Henan;and second,it was tasked to establish a base area along the borders between Hunan and Guangdong.When the No.359 Brigade finally arrived at the border area between Hunan and Guangdong,however,the Japanese had announced its surrender.So the task to establish an anti-Japanese base area there became out of the question.To pressurize the KMT to carry on with the peace negotiation in Chongqing,the CPC Central Committee decided to voluntarily withdraw its troops from Guangdong,Henan and all the other provinces in between.This was a testament to the flexible strategic decisions of the CPC Central Committee around the time of the victory of the Resistance War,who timely adjusted its strategy according to changes of domestic and international situations.When the South Strategy became unfeasible,it shifted its strategic focus to China’s Northeast,a move that turned out to be a success.
Modern Chinese History Studies