
鼠胚实验评估IVF实验室及胚胎玻璃化冷冻系统 被引量:1

Evaluation of IVF laboratory and embryo vitrification system by mouse embryo experiment
摘要 目的利用鼠胚实验评估新建IVF实验室培养体系的安全稳定与否,是否符合人类胚胎体外培养的要求,以及测试玻璃化冻存的2-cells鼠胚能否用于IVF实验室质控。方法 (1)体外培养新鲜2-cells鼠胚至D6,观察囊胚率,并玻璃化冷冻解冻囊胚,记录复苏率;(2)直接玻璃化冷冻解冻2-cells鼠胚,记录复苏率,并继续培养解冻后的胚胎至囊胚,记录复苏后的成囊率。结果 (1)新鲜2-cells鼠胚体外培养至D6的囊胚率为91.63%;(2)玻璃化冷冻的2-cells鼠胚解冻复苏后培养至D6的囊胚率为91.63%。两种方法的囊胚率之间差异无显著性。结论鼠胚实验可用于新建IVF实验室的质控评估,证明实验室各项指标符合标准。该实验还为玻璃化冻存的2-cells鼠胚可应用于新建IVF实验室的质控评估提供了依据。 Objective To evaluate the safety and stability of the new IVF laboratory culture system by mouse embryo assay(MEA),and test whether vitrified 2-cells mouse embryos can be used for IVF laboratory quality control.Methods (1) 2-cells mouse embryos were cultured to D6 in vitro,the blastocyst rate was observed.The blastocysts were vitrified and thawed.(2) 2-cells mouse embryos were,the recovery rate was recorded,and the thawed embryos were continuously cultured to blastocysts,and the blastocyst formation rate after recovery was recorded.Results(1) The blastocyst rate of 2-cell mouse embryos cultured in vitro was 91.13%;(2) The blastocyst rate of vitrified 2-cell mouse embryos cultured in vitro was 91.73%.There was no significant difference in blastocyst rate between the two methods.Conclusion Mouse embryo assay can be used for quality control evaluation of new IVF laboratory,which proves that the laboratory indexes meet the standards.This experiment also provides a basis for the application of vitrification cryopreservation of 2-cells mouse embryos to the quality control evaluation of new IVF laboratories.
作者 杨凯琳 曾健伟 孙雪 陈自洪 丘映 许常龙 陆阳清 YANG Kailin;ZENG Jianwei;SUN Xue;CHEN Zihong;QIU Ying;XU Changlong;LU Yangqing(Guangxi University,Nanning,Guangxi 530004,China;Reproductive Medical Center of The Second Nanning People’s Hospital,Nanning,Guangxi 530031,China)
出处 《中国优生与遗传杂志》 2021年第5期644-647,共4页 Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
基金 广西自然科学基金(2020GXNSFAA159099) 南宁市青秀区科技计划项目(2020025) 南宁市江南区计划项目(2020011206) 南宁市良庆区科学研究与技术重点研发计划(202009) 广西壮族自治区卫生和计划生育委员会计划课题(Z20180582) 广西壮族自治区卫生健康委员会计划课题(Z20200868,20210413,20210431)。
关键词 鼠胚实验 质量控制 玻璃化冷冻 mouse embryo assay quality control vitrified cryopreservation
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