
回流创业研究进展及基于空间嵌入的研究框架 被引量:9

Research progress of returnee entrepreneurship and an analysis framework based on spatial embeddedness
摘要 作为推进新型城镇化和乡村振兴的重要力量,回流人口及其创业活动受到广泛关注。研究回流人口创业的空间格局与过程、创业发生与成长机制对于满足国家和社会重大需求、推进地理学的创业研究具有重要意义。通过系统梳理人口回流、创业决策及其驱动机制等相关文献,发现回流创业的空间特征与空间规律研究较为薄弱,不同尺度的空间环境如何与回流个体相互作用,进而导致差异化的创业结果未得到充分探讨。针对回流人口社会经济关系和资本积累的空间多重性特征,在嵌入理论基础上,运用地理学的“多尺度空间嵌入”分析工具,构建回流人口创业的研究框架,并遵循“格局-过程-机制-模式”的研究路线,提出未来应重点开展的研究内容:探讨回流创业的空间格局与创业过程的耦合关系,揭示回流创业的发生与成长机制,探索在不同层级、不同类型空间中回流创业的一般特征与规律。以期为人口流动新背景下地理学的创业研究、回流研究提供理论参考,为构建地区创业支持体系提供科学支撑。 Return migration has become a critical socio-economic phenomenon in China.As an important force to promote the new urbanization and rural revitalization,return migrants and their entrepreneurial activities have attracted wide attention.It is of great significance to study the spatial pattern and the process of returnee entrepreneurship,and the influencing mechanism of start-up and growth of returnee's enterprises to meet the major needs of the country and to develop the entrepreneurship research theory of geography.Based on a systematic review of research in related fields such as return migration,entrepreneurial decision-making and its driving mechanisms,the present paper found that existing research focuses on the role of individual differences in returnee entrepreneurship and the role of individual capital accumulation,such as savings and human capital,with less attention to spatial differences of entrepreneurship of return migrants,but the internal relationship between the spatial environment and returnee entrepreneurship has not been fully studied,and the research on the impact of the interaction between the spatial environment of different scales and return migrant individuals on entrepreneurship is relatively weak.Focusing on the spatial multiplicity of socio-economic relations and capital accumulation of return migrants,on the basis of the embeddedness theory,using the“multiscaled spatial embeddedness”analysis tool of geography,we established the research framework of the returnee entrepreneurship.Correspondingly,the future research can be conducted according to the research route of“pattern-process-mechanism-pattern”,aiming to examine the coupling relationship between the spatial pattern of returnee entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial process,reveal the birth and growth mechanism of enterprises established by return migrants,explore the general characteristics and laws of returnee entrepreneurship in different scales and different types of space,so as to provide theoretical reference for entrepreneurship study and return migration study in geography under the new background of migration,and to provide scientific support for the construction of regional entrepreneurial support system.
作者 殷江滨 黄晓燕 李尚谦 YIN Jiangbin;HUANG Xiaoyan;LI Shangqian(Northwest Land and Resource Research Center,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi'an 710119,China;Global Regional and Urban Research Institute,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi'an 710119,China)
出处 《地理研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第10期2856-2870,共15页 Geographical Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(42071213,41871168,41831284)
关键词 人口回流 创业 空间嵌入 影响机制 研究框架 return migration entrepreneurship spatial embeddedness influencing mechanism research framework
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