
外部知识搜寻、大数据能力与企业创新 被引量:9

External knowledge search,big data capability and innovation of enterprises
摘要 企业创新离不开对外部知识的利用和搜寻,大数据技术能让企业在各种领域深层次地获取全面、完整的数据。因此本文探讨了外部知识搜寻对企业创新能力的影响。同时,将大数据能力的调节作用纳入考虑,探讨其在外部知识搜寻与企业创新之间的调节效果。研究中采用无反应偏差检验分析和同源偏差检验分析检验了数据的有效性;采用回归分析法来探讨各研究变量间关系并验证研究假设。研究结果显示外部知识搜寻深度和广度对激进式创新及渐进式创新均有正向影响,其中,搜寻广度对渐进式创新影响较大,搜寻深度则对激进式创新影响较大。在进行外部知识深度与广度搜寻时,大数据能力发挥显著正向作用。大数据能力对激进式创新和渐进式创新都有正向影响。大数据能力在外部知识搜寻深度与渐进式创新和激进式创新关系中有正向调节作用,在外部知识搜寻广度与渐进式创新和激进式创新的关系中调节作用发挥不明显。 Adhering to independent innovation and taking the path of innovation-driven development is a development strategy clearly put forward at the 18 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.Enterprise innovation has practical significance for accelerating the transformation of economic development mode.Innovation is inseparable from the use and exploration of external knowledge.Big data technology enables companies to obtain in-depth,comprehensive and complete data in various fields,giving companies the opportunity to acquire knowledge that they could not obtain in the past.Therefore,this paper discusses the influence of external knowledge search on innovation ability of enterprises.At the same time,the moderating role of big data capabilities is considered,and the moderating role of external knowledge seeking on enterprise innovation is discussed.This article first put forward the research hypothesis and constructed the conceptual model.The research variables were defined and scientifically measured.Then a questionnaire was issued to enterprises,and a statistical analysis was conducted of the questionnaire data.In this study,non-response bias test analysis and homology bias test were used to verify the validity of the data.Regression analysis was used to explore the relationship between the variables and verify the hypotheses.The results show that the depth and breadth of external knowledge search have a positive impact on both breakthrough innovation and incremental innovation.The search breadth has a greater impact on incremental innovation,while the search depth has a greater impact on breakthrough innovation.In the search for depth and breadth of external knowledge,the ability of big data plays a significant positive role.Big data capability has a positive impact on both radical innovation and incremental innovation.Big data capability can deeply identify potentially valuable knowledge from external knowledge,thereby improving the quality of decision making.In addition,the ability of big data can help enterprises find unmet or potential customer needs and provide ideas different from the past,which is conducive to the gradual innovation of enterprises.Big data capabilities have a positive adjustment effect on the positive relationship between the depth of external knowledge search and incremental innovation and breakthrough innovation;the ability of big data to regulate the positive relationship between the breadth of external knowledge search and incremental innovation and breakthrough innovation is not obvious.This article suggests a wide range of knowledge sources can provide enterprises with ideas for progressive innovation,while in-depth knowledge can bring better innovation results for enterprises in need of radical innovation.Therefore,if enterprises carry out gradual innovation,they can acquire different knowledge by interacting with suppliers,customers and competitors,participating in seminars and exhibitions,or communicating with universities or research institutions.Companies that want to carry out radical innovation can establish good relationships and gain in-depth knowledge through high-frequency and intensive interaction with these external knowledge channels.Companies should encourage big data-related activities,analyze customer data,and help them find the knowledge they need.In the context of big data,enterprise management should attach great importance to the learning of external knowledge,actively create opportunities to communicate with the external environment,and support the enterprise to acquire,digest,transform and utilize knowledge from the outside.
作者 卢剑峰 陈思 Lu Jianfeng;Chen Si(College of Economics,Bohai University,Jinzhou 121013,Liaoning,China;College of Finance,Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,Tianjin 300222,China)
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第9期175-183,共9页 Science Research Management
基金 辽宁省2021年度科学事业公益研究基金(软科学研究计划)项目:“优化辽宁民营企业科技创新机制的政策支持研究”(2021.05—2023.05) 辽宁省教育厅2021年度高等学校基本科研项目(面上项目):“基于自组织演化的民营企业危机应对策略研究”(2021.05—2023.05)。
关键词 外部知识搜寻 大数据 企业创新 external knowledge search big data enterprise innovation
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