
无创式肝脏储备功能ICG检测仪新近进展及三波长肝功能储备仪的分光光度检测模型分析 被引量:1

Recent Progress of Noninvasive ICG Detector for Hepatic Reserve Function and the Theory of Detecting Module for Three-Wavelength Hepatic Reserve Function Detector
摘要 肝切除术后最严重的并发症是进行性的术后肝衰竭,准确评估术前肝功能储备就显得尤为重要。目前评价肝功能的检查很多,吲哚菁绿排泄试验(ICG-PDR),尤其是其独特的无创ICG检测正成为肝脏储备功能的重要方法。本文针对无创法ICG排泄试验国内外研究进展予以综述,展望了无创式肝储备功能检测仪的发展方向,同时讨论了三波长肝功能储备仪的分光光度模型的原理。 Progressive postoperative liver failure is the most serious complication after hepatectomy,and it is particularly important to accurately evaluate the preoperative liver function reserve.Indocyanine green excretion test(ICG-PDR),especially its unique non-invasive ICG test,is becoming an important method to evaluate liver function reserve.In this paper,the research progress of noninvasive ICG excretion test at home and abroad is reviewed,and the development direction of noninvasive liver reserve function detector is prospected,also discuss the theory of detecting module for three-wavelength hepatic reserve function detector.
作者 徐耀 王继焕 翁玲 顾文燕 沈嘉辉 顾军民 XU Yao;WANG Ji-huan;WENG Ling;GU Wen-yan;SHEN Jia-hui;GU Jun-min(Li Huili Hospital,Ningbo Medical Center,Zhejiang Ningbo 315000)
出处 《中国医疗器械信息》 2021年第20期11-14,74,共5页 China Medical Device Information
关键词 肝脏储备功能 ICG-PDR 综述 无创式肝储备功能检测仪 分光光度模型 hepatic reserve function ICG-PDR review Non-invasive liver reserve function detector spectrophotometric model
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