采用欧洲空间局环境监测卫星IW模式下Sentinel-1A VH极化影像数据,利用StaMPS技术,以惠东县为研究区域,选取区域内某个水准点(A)作为形变参考点,持续观测惠东县及城区重点区域2015-12~2018-02地表沉降形变,并对2019年解除的8个地质灾害点进行观测。实验表明惠东县东部山体部分有较明显沉降,最大形变速率达到-10 mm/y,城区部分及沿海部分有少量抬升,速率最大达到4 mm/y,累积最大沉降量达到-24 mm。城区重点区域地质情况较为稳定,部分区域形变基本在0~-2 mm/y,累积沉降量总体介于0~-4 mm,8个已解除的地质灾害点处于稳定状态。
In this paper,based on the Sentinel-1 A VH polarization image data under the ESA environmental monitoring satellite IW mode,using StaMPS technology,taking Huidong County as the research area,taking a benchmark(A)in the region as the deformation reference point,we continuous observed the surface subsidence and deformation in Huidong County and key urban areas from December 2015 to February 2018,and observed 8 geological disaster spots removed in 2019.The results show that the eastern part of Huidong County has obvious subsidence,and the maximum deformation rate reaches-10 mm/a.The urban part and the coastal part have a small amount of uplift,the maximum rate reaches 4 mm/a,and the cumulative maximum settlement reaches-24 mm.The geological conditions of key urban area are relatively stable,the deformation of some areas is basically 0~-2 mm/a,the cumulative subsidence is generally 0~-4 mm,and the 8 removed geological hazards are in a stable state.
Geospatial Information