移动高山:建筑投射未来,描画未知设想。将看似不可能变为可能。当代坚固石块的雕凿需要一大群热血意志的行动者来探索未知,开拓新的世界。即是真的移动高山。Delas Frères酒庄诞生于Tain l'Hermitage中心的一个废弃场地。Tain l'Hermitage山上的梯田自罗马时代就开始种植,并因生产罗讷河谷最好的葡萄酒而闻名。新的酒窖和商店采用高科技的石材打造,翻新的庄园和石墙花园将建筑融入周边景色。
Moving Mountains:Architecture is about projecting into the future,about envisioning what does not exist yet.It is often about making seemingly impossible things possible.Contemporary construction in solid stone requires particular engagement,mobilizing the willpower and energy of a large team of actors willing to explore unknowns,to make a new reality out of existing conditions.It is also,quite literally,about moving mountains.
World Architecture Review