
健康体检质量控制研究的文献计量及可视化分析 被引量:7

Bibliometrics and visualization analysis of quality control research of health checkup
摘要 目的了解近15年健康体检质量控制的研究现状、研究热点和研究前沿。方法检索并分析中国知网(China National Knowledge Infrastructure,CNKI)数据库中2006—2020年主题为“健康体检并且质量控制”的期刊文献,采用Excel表格分析文献时序和学科分布,CiteSpace V软件对机构、关键词进行可视化分析。结果共得到306篇文献,近15年的发文量总体呈增长趋势,发文量以2019年最高(36篇)。主要集中在医药卫生方针政策与法律法规研究、临床医学以及预防医学与卫生学等学科,少数文献属于交叉学科。发文量位居前三的机构分别为海军总医院海空勤体检中心、天津医科大学总医院健康管理中心、解放军总医院健康管理研究院,海军总医院海空勤体检中心、《中华健康管理学杂志》编辑委员会、中华医学会健康管理学分会等的中介中心性较强,机构间的合作联系较少。306篇文献中统计发现的高频关键词是“质量控制”“健康体检”“质量管理”“健康管理”“体检中心”“戴明环(Plan-Do-Check-Action Cycle,PDCA循环)”“体检质量”等。“健康管理”是近3年的关键突现词。结论我国近15年健康体检质量控制的关注度逐渐增加,但学科间、机构间的交叉联系较少。研究热点表现在健康体检机构的内部质量控制和先进的管理理论的应用。由单纯健康体检向健康管理服务转变是研究前沿。 Objective To understand the research status,research hotspots and research frontiers of quality control of health checkup in the past 15 years.Methods Journal literatures with the theme of"Health checkup and Quality control"from China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI)database from 2006 to 2020 were retrieved and analyzed.Excel was used to analyze the time and sequence and discipline distribution of literatures.CiteSpace V software was used for visual analysis of institutions and keywords.Results A total of 306 literatures were obtained,and the number of literatures published in the past 15 years showed an overall growth trend,with the highest number of literatures published in 2019(36).They mainly focused on the research of medical and health policies and laws and regulations,clinical medicine,preventive medicine and hygiene and other disciplines,with a few literatures belonging to interdisciplinary disciplines.The top three institutions were Physical Examination Center of Naval General Hospital,Health Management Center of the General Hospital of Tianjin Medical University,Health Management Research Institute of PLA General Hospital.The institutions with high centrality were Physical Examination Center of Naval General Hospital,Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Health Management,and Chinese Health Management Association and so on.There were fewer cooperative links between institutions.The high-frequency keywords found in 306 literatures were"quality control","health checkup","quality management","health management","physical examination center","Deming Cycle(Plan-Do-Check-Action Cycle,PDCA Cycle)","quality of health checkup",etc."Health management"was the key emergence word in the recent three years.Conclusions In the past 15 years,the attention on the quality control of health checkup in China has gradually increased,but there is less cross-connection between disciplines and institutions.The research focuses on the internal quality control and the application of advanced management theories in health examination institutions.The transformation from simple health checkup to health management service is the research frontier.
作者 武珊 王倩 冷松 Wu Shan;Wang Qian;Leng Song(Health Management Center of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University,Dalian 116023,China)
出处 《中华健康管理学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2021年第5期485-490,共6页 Chinese Journal of Health Management
关键词 健康体检 质量控制 文献计量学 可视化分析 Health checkup Quality control Bibliometrics Visual analysis
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