目的探讨新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情防控期间高校护理专业学生的职业认同感和心理弹性水平及其影响因素。方法2020年4月,采用一般资料调查问卷、护生职业认同感问卷和心理弹性量表(Connor-Davidson resilience scale,CD-RISC)中文版,对就读于上海市某民办高校的425名护理专业学生(本科生)进行问卷调查。结果425名学生的职业认同感总分和心理弹性总分分别为(60.84±11.27)分和(25.17±6.54)分,两者呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。单因素分析结果显示:职业认同感得分与学生所在年级、是否为理实一体试点班、学习成绩、入学选择专业意愿、喜欢护理专业与否、有无社会实践经历、未来就业意向等有关(P<0.05);心理弹性得分与学生的性别、学习成绩、是否是学生干部、入学选择专业意愿、喜欢护理专业与否、有无社会实践经历、未来就业意向、亲属中有无护士等相关医疗工作人员有关(P<0.05)。多元线性回归分析结果显示:心理弹性总分、是否喜欢本专业、未来就业意向、年级和性别因素可以解释职业认同感52.1%的变异;职业认同感总分、性别、学习成绩、是否是学生干部、未来就业意向、社会实践经历因素可以解释心理弹性41.2%的变异。结论COVID-19疫情防控期间,高校护理专业学生的职业认同感处于中等水平,高于国内常模;心理弹性处于中等水平,与国内常模的差异无统计学意义,仍有较大的提升空间。职业认同感和心理弹性水平呈正相关且相互影响,同时两者均受多重因素的影响。
Objective To explore the level and influencing factors of professional identity and psychological resilience of college nursing students during the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic.Methods In April 2020,425 nursing students(undergraduates)in a private university in Shanghai were surveyed with the general information questionnaire,the professional identity questionnaire and the Connor-Davidson resilience scale(CD-RISC).Results The total scores of professional identity and psychological resilience of the 425 nursing students were 60.84±11.27 and 25.17±6.54 with significantly positive correlation between them(P<0.05).Results of the univariate analysis showed that the score of professional identity was related to the students'grade,in or not-in the pilot class,academic performance,admission intention to major,liking or un-liking nursing major,having or not having social practice experience,and future employment intention(P<0.05).The score of psychological resilience was related to the students'gender,academic performance,being or not being student leader,admission intention to major,liking or un-liking nursing major,having or not having social practice experience,future employment intention,and having or not having medical staff among their relatives(P<0.05).Results of the multiple linear regression analysis showed that psychological resilience,preference for nursing major,future employment intention,grade,and gender could explain the 52.1%of variation in nursing students'professional identity;professional identity,gender,academic performance,being or not being student leader,future employment intention,and social practice experience could explain the 41.2%of variation of psychological resilience of nursing students.Conclusion During the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic,the professional identity score of college nursing students was at medium level,higher than the domestic norm.The psychological resilience score was at medium level too,and there was no statistically significant difference from the domestic norm.There was still much room for improvement.Professional identity and psychological resilience were positively correlated and affected each other,and both were affected by multiple factors.
WANG Qiongfang;WANG Ting;LU Weixin;XU Yan(Faculty of International Medical Technology, Sanda University, Shanghai 201209, China;Shanghai Nursing Association, Shanghai 200040, China)
Journal of Bio-education