
中考体育改革:源流、价值与路径 被引量:25

Reforming the PE Examination in the Senior High School Entrance Examination:Origin,Value and Paths
摘要 教育评价事关教育发展方向和成效,有什么样的评价指挥棒,就有什么样的办学导向。在加快推进教育现代化进程中,随着中考体育改革工作的不断深化,回溯其发展历程,审视价值引领与实践导向对未来体育升学考试的理论与实践具有重要参考意义。运用文献资料法与历史研究法进行系统研究后发现,中考体育改革主要历经了起始、发展、深化3个阶段,“实事求是,以生为本,勇于创新”是中考体育改革30年实践的重要启示;其价值依归于“以评促教,以体育人”,这也是中考体育改革的出发点、导向图、动力源和落脚点。中考体育改革的价值体现在协同五育并举的教育价值,促进三方认同的社会价值,彰显终身体育的个人价值等3个方面;马克思主义实践观是中考体育改革的认识论起点,实事求是是中考体育改革的方法论基础。基于此,其未来发展应从持续提升分值,落实评价体系,促进体教融合3个路径展开。 Educational evaluation is related to the future and effectiveness of educational development.An educational evaluation system determines the orientation of school education.In the process of accelerating the modernization of education,the reform of the PE examination in the senior high school entrance examination has been intensifying.To look back on this development process and examine its role in values education and practice orientation are highly relevant to the theory and practice of future PE examination in entrance examinations.This paper adopts literature review and the historical research method for a systematic study and finds that the reform of the PE examination in the senior high school entrance examination has mainly gone through three stages:initiation,development,and further development."Seeking truth from facts,being student-oriented,and daring innovate"is an important inspiration from the 30-year practice of reforming the PE examination in the senior high school entrance examination;its value lies in"improving education through evaluation,and cultivating people via sports",which is also the starting point,guiding principle,power source and ultimate goal of reforming the PE examination in the senior high school entrance examination.The value of reforming the PE examination in the senior high school entrance examination is embodied in three aspects:the educational value of coordinating the five-dimension education,the social value of tripartite recognition,and the personal value of lifelong sports.The Marxist view of practice is the epistemological starting point of reforming the PE examination in the senior high school entrance examination,and seeking truth from facts is the methodological basis of the reform.Based on this,its future development should focus on:increasing the proportion of PE scores in the senior high school entrance examination,implementing the evaluation system,and integrating sports and education.
作者 聂真新 刘坚 高飞 NIE Zhen-xin;LIU Jian;GAO Fei(School of Physical Education,Yunnan Normal University,Kunming 650500,Yunnan China;School of Education,Beijing Sport University,Beijing 100084,China)
出处 《北京体育大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第9期76-85,共10页 Journal of Beijing Sport University
基金 云南省省级部门决策咨询研究项目“云南省体育发展‘十四五’规划研究”(项目编号:ZX20201207001)。
关键词 学校体育 中考体育改革 体育升学考试 云南 school physical education reform of the PE examination in the senior high school entrance examination PE examination in entrance examinations Yunnan
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