
新工科背景下“装配式混凝土结构设计与施工”校企共建课程研究与实践 被引量:2

Research and Practice of School-enterprise Co-construction Course of Design and Construction of Prefabricated Concrete Structure under the Background of New Engineering
摘要 基于建筑工业化形式下课程建设的背景及意义,分析了"新工科"建设及OBE理念对"装配式混凝土结构设计与施工"校企共建课程的开设要求,确定了课程定位及目标。基于此,从课程共建企业的甄选、教学内容的确定、课程团队的组建与建设、全过程案例教学、混合式教学、基于课程平台的课堂互动教学、理论教学与实践教学一体化的项目式教学、基于自媒体资源的施工工艺视频库建设、思政育人教学、多元化的综合考核方式等多方面,系统阐述了校企共建课程的建设方案与措施,教学成效显著。 Based on the background and significance of the course construction in the form of building industrialization,this paper analyzes the requirements of"new engineering"construction and OBE concept for the course of"design and construction of prefabricated concrete structure"jointly built by school and enterprise,and determines the course positioning and objectives.Based on this,from the selection of course co construction enterprises,the determination of teaching content,the formation and construction of course team,the whole process of case teaching,hybrid teaching,classroom interactive teaching based on course platform,project-based teaching of integration of theory teaching and practice teaching,construction technology video library construction based on self media resources,ideological and political education teaching diversified comprehensive assessment methods and other aspects,systematically elaborated the construction scheme and measures of school enterprise co-construction curriculum,teaching effect is remarkable.
作者 艾心荧 王春才 刘俊峰 田管凤 AI Xinying;WANG Chuncai;LIU Junfeng;TIAN Guanfeng(School of Environment and Civil Engineering,Dongguan University of Technology,Dongguan,Guangdong 523808;Capol International&Associates Group,Shenzhen,Guangdong 518045)
出处 《科教导刊》 2021年第20期151-153,共3页 The Guide Of Science & Education
基金 广东省本科高校质量工程建设项目:重点专业(东莞理工学院-土木工程专业)(粤教高2017-214-357) 东莞理工学院-广东华坤建设集团有限公司-建筑工程专业群校外实践教学基地(粤教高2019-214-225) 基于新工科背景与OBE理念的土木工程专业CAD课程群建设与改革(粤教高2019-214-579) 东莞理工学院质量工程项目:生态环境与建筑工程学院-广东华坤建设集团有限公司+建筑工程专业群校外实践教学基地(201802009) 基于教育信息化2.0背景和OBE理念的结构工程CAD课程改革(201802023) 校企共建课程《装配式建筑结构设计与施工》(201902059)。
关键词 新工科 装配式混凝土结构 校企共建 new engineering prefabricated concrete structure school-enterprise co-construction
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