
秦汉钟官初探 被引量:2

Preliminary Study on the Bell Officials of the Qin-Han Dynasties
摘要 自青铜编钟出现以后,钟官成为青铜乐器演奏及铸造的重要职官。目前所知,周代有乐师、乐官、钟师,秦代乐府下设钟官。元鼎二年(前115年)汉武帝设置水衡都尉之前,少府中的乐府下设钟官,管理乐器或组织演奏,负责乐器及其他铜器的铸造;此后,钟官改属水衡都尉,是上林三官之一,专门负责五铢钱的铸造。建始二年(前31年),汉成帝省技巧、六厩二官,只留下钟官负责铸钱。始建国元年(9年),王莽把钟官分成前、后两官,共同负责钱币铸造。西安市鄠邑区兆伦村周围为汉武帝所设钟官所在地,亦即王莽时期的前钟官所在地。西安市长安区好汉庙附近应为王莽时期的后钟官所在地。 The system of rites and music is an important part of ancient Chinese civilization. Since the appearance of bronze Bian Zhong( 编钟, a chime of bells hung in series in a wooden frame so that it could play more complicated tunes), Zhong Guan (钟官, Bell Official) had became an important position as the official in charge of the playing and casting of bronze musical instruments. Based on what we have known so far, there were posts of Yue Shi (乐师, Musicians), Yue Guan (乐官, Music Officials) and Zhong Shi (钟师, Bell Masters) in the Zhou Dynasty, and during the Qin Dynasty the post of Bell Official was set under Yue Fu (乐府,an administration in charge of music-related affairs). In the second year of Yuanding period(115 BCE, Western Han dynasty), before Emperor Wudi’s establishment of Shuiheng Duwei(水衡都尉), the Bell Official was set under Yue Fu, which was subordinated to Shao Fu(少府, an administrative body in charge of the financial management and life affairs of the royal court), with the duties of musical instrument administration and organizing musical performances, as well as the casting of musical instruments and other bronze vessels. Afterwards, the Bell Official was subordinated to Shuiheng Duwei, as one of the three officials in the Shanglin Imperial Garden( 上林苑), solely responsible for the casting of Wuzhu Coins(五铢钱). In the second year of Jianshi period(31 BCE, Western Han dynasty), Emperor Chengdi abolished the positions of Liu Ji ( 六 厩)and Ji Qiao ( 技 巧) among the three officials of Shanglin (上林三官), keeping only the Bell Official for coin casting. And in the first year of Shijianguo period(9 AD, Wang Mang’s reign), Emperor Wang Mang split the Bell Official into the anterior and posterior Bell Officials, who were jointly responsible for coin casting. The coin casting site of Bell Official established by Emperor Wudi is located at the Zhaolun Village( 兆伦村) in Huyi District of Xi ’an City, which is also the seat of the anterior Bell Official during Wangmang’s reign, while the seat of the posterior Bell Official is located near the Haohan Temple( 好汉庙) in the Chang’an District of Xi’an.
作者 徐龙国 Xu Longguo
出处 《四川文物》 北大核心 2021年第5期40-47,共8页 Sichuan Cultural Relics
关键词 秦汉 钟官遗址 铸钱 Bell Official of the Qin-Han dynasties Evolution of responsibility Seats of Bell Officials
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