
德国下萨克森州长期生态林业发展规划实施效益评价及启示 被引量:7

Evaluation and Enlightenment of Implementation Benefit of Long-term Ecological Forestry Development Planning in Lower Saxony, Germany
摘要 文中从增加阔叶树和混交林、促进天然更新、改善森林结构、保护生物多样性等10个方面,介绍德国中部下萨克森州于1991年启动执行的长期生态林业发展计划-雄狮计划(The Loewe Program)的原则和方法,并对实施25年的数据进行对比和效果分析。结果表明,计划执行以来不仅改进了下萨克森州森林整体生态环境服务功能,同时也显著提高了森林的经济效益。根据分析结果提出了其对于我国森林经营工作方法、评价指标等方面的启示,以期对我国多功能森林经营的实施和效果评价起到借鉴作用。 This paper introduces the principles and methods of the long-term ecological forestry development plan of " The Loewe Program" initiated in 1991 in Lower Saxony of central Germany from 10 aspects including the increase of broad-leaved trees and mixed forests, natural regeneration promotion, forest structure improvement and biodiversity protection, and compares and analyzes the data obtained from the 25-year implementation. The analysis results show that the implementation of the plan not only improves the overall ecological and environmental services and functions of the forests in Lower Saxony, but also significantly increases the economic benefits. Based on the results, it highlights the enlightenment of "The Loewe Program" on the working methods and evaluation indicators for China’s forest management, which is aimed to serve as a reference for the implementation and effect evaluation of multifunctional forest management in China.
作者 谢阳生 陆元昌 雷相东 刘宪钊 Xie Yangsheng;Lu Yuanchang;Lei Xiangdong;Liu Xianzhao(Institute of Forest Resource Information Techniques,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Beijing100091,China;Research Center of Forest Management Engineering Technology,National Forestry and Grassland Administration,Beijing 100091,China)
出处 《世界林业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期97-102,共6页 World Forestry Research
基金 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项“典型多功能森林经营模式成效分析与总结”(CAFYBB2019SY025)。
关键词 多功能森林经营 近自然森林经营 林业发展规划 评价指标 德国 multi-functional forest management close-to-nature forest management forestry development planning evaluation indicator Germany
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