

Study of Differentiations of Northern and Southern Classical Gardens Based on Landscape Terroir and Under Historical and Geographical Dimensions
摘要 南北方园林风格各异:南方古典园林隐逸风雅,用师法自然的手法呈现其小家碧玉的精致之感;北方园林大气雄伟,写实山水,展现皇家园林的雍容华贵与等级森严感并存之态。对于南北园林的差异分析,可以从“史”“地”两个维度入手:“地”,主要指景观所在地的地形地貌特征、气候条件、生态条件等,具有客观性;“史”,是历史发展脉络下的意识形态载体,指一个地区的历史人文环境,包含文学艺术、审美意识、传统观念、政治外交、社会思潮,等等。具体而言,一方面,通过对南北园林所处地区的气候、生态、地貌等条件进行比较,分析其在空间地域上的原生差异,结合南北园林的发展历史、政治、文化元素,总结出不同意识形态作用下南北园林相应的外化特征;另一方面,在“史”“地”两大影响因素的作用下,一个地区特定的景观风土逐渐形成,景观风土对南北园林的布局手法、建筑营造、植物配置等产生了综合的次生影响。在对南北方园林进行具象的初步探索,提炼出南北古典园林各自特征的同时,也应该重视南北地区的景观风土,从留存、延续、焕新三个方面探索当下风土景观营造的合理性途径。 Gardens in South and North China are in totally different styles.Southern classical gardens,secluded and elegant,are characterized by delicacy,which were designed by simulating the nature in the south,while northern classical gardens are magnificent and glorious,focusing on realistic landscape to show the coexist of both elegancy and solemn in royal gardens.The differences between northern and southern gardens can be analyzed from the two dimensions of“history”and“geography”.“Geography”mainly refers to topographic features,climatic conditions,and ecological conditions of the place where the landscape is located,which is objective.“History”is an ideological carrier in the context of historical development,which refers to the historical and humanistic environment of a region,including literature and art,aesthetic consciousness,traditional concepts,political diplomacy,social thoughts,etc.The paper compares the climate,ecology,landform and other conditions of the areas where northern and southern gardens are located,and analyzes the original differences in space.Then,combined with the historical,political,and cultural elements of the northern and southern gardens,the paper summarizes externalized characteristics of northern and southern gardens under different ideologies.Under the influence of the two major factors of“history”and“geography”,specific vernacular characteristics of a region are gradually formed.The landscape terroir has produced a comprehensive secondary influence on northern and southern gardens in layout,building design and plant configuration,etc.While making concrete and preliminary research and extracting the characteristics of northern and southern classical gardens respectively,we should also pay attention to the vernacular characteristics of the northern and southern areas,and explore reasonable ways to create the current terroir landscape from the aspects of retention,continuation and renewal.
作者 郭思远 李同予 Guo Siyuan;Li Tongyu(School of Architecture,Harbin Institute of Technology;MIIT Key Laboratory of Cold Region Urban and Rural Human Settlement Environment Science and Technology,Harbin Institute of Technology)
出处 《南京林业大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2021年第5期86-96,共11页 Journal of Nanjing Forestry University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 黑龙江省自然科学基金面上项目“应对学生身心健康问题的大学校园康复景观循证设计策略研究”(LH2020E052) 互动媒体设计与装备服务创新文化和旅游部重点实验室开放课题“基于可穿戴设备交互技术的复愈性环境识别评测方法研究”(20201) 互动媒体设备与装备服务创新文化和旅游部重点实验室开放课题“基于VR实验探索的大学校园健康环境循证研究”(20206)。
关键词 古典园林 史地维度 景观风土 地域性 差异 classical garden historical and geographical dimensions vernacular landscape regionality difference
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