

The Middle Way Thinking:The Influence of Lingnan Mind Study on Academic Thoughts of the Middle and Late Ming Dynasty
摘要 “岭南心学”是以朱子学为生成语境,与阳明学相互影响、并驾齐驱于中晚明的两大心学流派之一,陈献章与湛若水是其前后期的代表性人物,在思想演化的过程中,走出了一条与朱子学和阳明学不偏不倚的中正之路。“岭南心学”从陈献章“心”“气”合一之论的创立,发展至湛若水“随处体认天理”的“大心”论,构建了完善的“理”“心”合一的理论体系架构,这一方面体现为本体论层面的气化心体的建构,一方面体现为动静中求自得的工夫体系的建立。在中晚明学术思想语境中,岭南心学的中正之学规避了朱子学与阳明学在后学发展中存在的片面性,构建了一种具有自身特征和相对独立性的思想体系,丰富了明代的学术思想。 “Lingnan Mind Study”,derived in the context of Zhu Xi’s philosophy,and interacting with Wang Yangming’s Studies,is one of the two major Mind Study schools in the Middle and Late Ming dynasty.As representatives of the school in the early and late stages,Chen Xianzhang and Zhan Ruoshui have taken a middle way compared with Zhu Xi and Wang Yangmin in terms of their thought evolution.Starting from Chen’s theory of the unity of“mind”and“air”(qi),to Zhan’s theory of“great mind”of“understanding heavenly principles everywhere with the body”,the school has established a full theoretical system construction of the unity of“reason”and“mind”,which on the one hand reflects the construction of the mind body from“qi”in the ontological level,and on the other hand,represents the establishment of the“effort”system of seeking self-realization in actions or idleness.In the context of academic thought in the middle and late Ming dynasty,the middle way taken by this school has helped it to avoid the one-sidedness of the studies of both Zhu Xi and Wang Yangming in their ensuing development,but to build a unique and independent thought system,enriching the academic thought of the Ming dynasty.
作者 李姣姣 LI Jiao-jiao(Institute of Research on Yangming and Guizhou Studies,Guiyang University,Guiyang 550005,Guizhou,China)
出处 《贵阳学院学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第5期108-112,共5页 Journal of Guiyang University:Social Sciences
基金 2017年度国家社会科学基金重点项目“阳明学诠释史研究”(项目编号:17AZX006)。
关键词 岭南心学 气化心体 自得 中正 Lingnan Mind Study the construction of the mind body from“qi” self-realization the middle way
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