

Exploration and Practice of Teaching Evaluation Based on Improving Innovation Ability:Taking the Undergraduate Course of Child Literature as an Example
摘要 创新能力的培养与提升是时代的要求,是国家发展战略,也是高等教育的重中之重。该文从厘清创新的概念入手,以植根现实、利用开放自由的方法应对问题的超越性能力为创新的内涵,梳理了本科儿童文学课程的相关背景,分析了现有相关教学评价的情况与问题,分享了作者数年来在儿童文学课程教学评价环节进行的一系列尝试。在总结过往经验的同时,对未来的教学与探索也提出了若干建议。 The cultivation and promotion of innovation ability is the requirement of the times,the national development strategy,and the top priority of higher education.Starting from clarifying the concept of innovation,and taking the transcendence ability of dealing with problems through open and free methods based on reality as the innovative connotation,this paper combs and analyzes the relevant background of the undergraduate course of Child Literature,as well as the current situation and problems of the relevant teaching evaluation.It also carefully analyzes the writer’s years of attempts and explorations on the teaching evaluation of the Child Literature course.While summing up past experience,this paper also puts forward some suggestions for future teaching and exploration.
作者 田榕 TIAN Rong
出处 《科教文汇》 2021年第30期54-57,共4页 Journal of Science and Education
基金 广东省教育厅高等教育教改项目“关于有效提升学生创新能力的教学评价方式的探索与实践——以文学院儿童文学课程为例”(2018314)研究成果。
关键词 创新 教学评价 儿童文学 innovation teaching evaluation Child Literature
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